Here is what I learned (relearned) tonight:

The bible has two parts- Old and New Testaments Old Testament has 39 books, written by 28 different authors, spans 2000 years, and it tells the story of creation and the story of the Jewish people. The books can be categorized into 3 parts: historical - first 17 books, 17 historical, 5 poetical, 17 prophetical. New Testament has 27 books, written by 9 authors, spans less that 100 years, they tell the story of Jesus's birth, ministry, crucifixion and the ministry after death. The books can be categorized into 3 parts: 5 historical, 13 Pauline Epistles, 9 General Epistles. The Garden of Eden location is impossible to pinpoint but was at the convergence of 4 rivers, 2 being the Tigris and Euphrates. Mesopotamia means in the middle of rivers. The entire land of the Old Testament is approximately the same size as the state of Texas. Traveling from the Persian Gulf to Israel would be like ...