Amazing Grace

This weekend I spent Friday through Sunday in the mountains of creatline with hundreds of sisters in Christ. Thousand Pines Christian Camp brought us all together to discover and discuss the Art of Balance, life with Jesus in an unbalanced world. Matthew 6:25-34. The air was crisp, clear and so fresh as I start my Saturday walking through the pines and singing a praise song on my way to breakfast, when I realized I was starting to get a headache. No biggie, normally so I just try to put this behind me. I ate, drank coffee and kept going. As the day progressed, I kept going with the activities: chapel, off roading, archery, a nap in the sun and great conversation with old friends. Though I continued through the day, I was not only pushing my headache aside I was pushing my fears and current "issues" aside in the effort to focus on God and what he wants to show me. Every hour crept by and every hour the headache was getting worse. By dinner time, I could tel...