Over the last year or so I have began sewing. Sewing has quickly become a passion for me. I absolutely love seeing my finished projects. I started with simple skirts made from old t-shirts. Well these were and are still actually my favorite pieces. Not only were they my first projects, but they were made from clothing that was left behind when my grandmother went to heaven. My daughter loved them. She would tell her Papa that she was wearing Nana. It was so cute. This passion has become an obsession. I have a pattern stash that I probably will never sew through. I have fabric I've bought to make stuff and I am still not done. The biggest problem is that this summer it was unbearably hot. My sewing room is in our garage and it gets stifling. I've used it as an excuse to not sew. BUT, with this post I have decided to start a sewing part to my blog. On my blog I'll start with a few image of stuf...