Big things coming

This past Friday I got engaged. Honestly NEVER thought it would happen to me, but yippee. My Fiance is the most caring, generous, honest, silly, adventurous man I've ever met. He's jumped into a big place and has decided that he never wants to leave. He's happy to take on the position of keeping my crazy, grumpy and sometime bratty self happy AND helping to raise my two very wonderful children. Now that I am going down the path of marriage and I have started to sew, I have decided to sew my own dress. YES, it is a big task and YES it will be hard and YES I will get frustrated at times, but it means a lot to me. Why? 1. I get to make one most important piece of clothing I will every wear. 2. I will be using a sewing machine that used to belong to my grandmother. 3. I will be able to add fabric piece of clothing that belonged to both of my grandmothers and my little sister to my dress (inside). They won't be there to see me finally walk do...