
Showing posts from April, 2012


At this time is just life. Nothing bad, nothing good. Days pass and days begin. Hours, minutes and seconds keep coming and going and still life is the same. The end.

Be the bigger person

I am constantly reminded on how I should treat I would like to be treated. BUT it is so hard when someone treats you like crap or their personal slave to return their rudeness with kindness. It is truly something I struggle with daily. Some days I am a rockstar and I just grin and bare it. BUT there are just some people that get under my skin very quickly. Those are the ones I really need to work at being a better person, Christian and human with. Terri you need to remember Psalm 86:15 But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. (NIV) Proverbs 15:18 A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. (NIV) Ouch! This is a nice realty call. Colossians 3:12-13 Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends yo...

No more weighing

So after a lot of consideration I have decided to I will never weigh myself again. For more years than I can remember my friends and family have talked about how much they weigh, what size they where and all those things that go along with weight. I am so tired of hearing about, worrying about it or making it so important. God made our bodies in hia perfect way and everyone is different. It does not matter if you are a size 2 or a size 16. As long as you are healthy, love yourself and don't let others put you down. Constantly worrying about your weight is not healthy and sets yourself up for failure. Yo-yo diets, pills and the like are not all safe and most don't work that well. I'm not speaking for everyone and I don't look down at anyone that is doing those things. I am just saying that for me I will love me for me. I am not perfect nor will I every be but I am me. Just some running, exercise and good foods is my motto. Ah, freedom feels good. Loving me for me.

Happy Birthday Bob conversation

Bob: Hi Auntie Bob Me: Hi Bob, Happy Birthday Bob: I'm Good Me: Are you having a good birthday Bob: Today is my birthday Me: I know I said happy birthday. How old are you today? Bob: 5, Oh mommy we didn't open my birthday presents? (side conversation with mom) no we didn't oh yeah Grandma's. Oh Me: Hello? Stacy: she left. I love kids, they have a great way of making you feel loved and totally invisible at the same time. LOL

why am I so boring

Since I really have nothing to say right now, but it has been a few days since my last post I will just post a stream of consciousness post. I will just sit here and type every single thought that comes to my mind, without sensory ship. this is a stupid commercial on tv. Nacho go bath in the bathroom like everyone else. Hold please my leg itches. What inspires me? The TV just asked me that. Ok really a commercial for Patron asked me. Hmm I guess I've never really gave that question most thought. Have you? What are our answers? Maybe I can steal one of yours. Ok I am inspired by Pastors to be a better person, though I don't always take the advice. I am inspired by my Sister Kristi to be as giving as she is. I am inspired by my Uncle Rusty who has given his life to his son Ray who has Cerebral Palsy and needs 24 hours care. I am inspired by single mothers, but hope to never be one. I am inspired by my Sister Stacy, who daily deals with her own illness while feeding...


Ever walk into a room and the whole room feels heavy? So heavy you can feel it in your heart? Or that it makes you sad too? So I just went to Good Friday service at a church in Irvine and shortly after the service started my heart felt so heavy. I had to fight back tears. Of course there are time when the songs get me and I tear up, but this was different. I felt a profound sadness in the room from many people. After praying for the congregations and for God to lighten their burdens, lighten their hearts and to hold them and take their pain...the Pastor got up to say a final prayer and he mentioned that just yesterday he watched his friend and a church member pass. I know that there have been many times in my life that I feel someone else's pain and cry with or for them, BUT what an amazing and sort of scary feeling that I could walk into a "random" (in my mind not of course in God's plan) and feel the pain of complete strangers and about a hundred of them. I...

Tuck and Roll LOL!

The train conductor just told some drunk guy that if he didn't be quiet he would do a tuck and roll on him. Then he said I'm gonna tuck you and roll you off this train. Haha

Fulfilling dreams one "Journey" at a time

Daily we go through life just living for ourselves (and family) and rarely thinking about how we can give back to the world, your state, your city, your church or just another human being. Sure you can give someone a handful of change or even a whole dollar. Some days you may even give up your lunch or coffee. BUT could you give up thinking about only yourself? Could you literally GIVE of yourself? Could you give 10 months of your life, your figure, your health and heck your appetite to help someone realize a dream that they have always had? Could you be a surrogate mom? Go through the whole pregnancy and then hand over the one, two or even three beautiful babies to a couple who has longed for their own? Yes, you say...could you do it 3x???? Not many women could. Well, my sister can. Let me tell you a bit about her. Kristi grew up in Hawthorne, Ca. Just like any other kid, she played sports, hung out with friends and went to school. Nothing out of the ordinary there ri...