
Showing posts from May, 2013

In my eyes

I am more than the outward shell.  I am more than an article about what I should look like. I am more than a reflexion in the mirror.  I am responsible to know that my self-worth is not defined by other people.  I am responsible to teach my child that self-worth comes from within.  That what you look like and what you are, are not dictated by what other people think of you are or what they do.  I am responsible for showing those that are around me that I love them for them and not for who they think they need to be.  I am responsible for respecting the difference there are in the people I know and meet.  I am responsible for me temper and attitude, but not for yours. I can't make everyone happy, because I can't make you happy, I can only provide an experience that I hope you enjoy.   Just so you know...I am me just me.  Some of you might think I am too honest.  Some might think I am too religious or faithful.  Some might think I am ...

New life

Today ended my 5 year stint with the Los Angeles Times.  In those 5 years I learned HTML, what flash files are, what click tags do, rich media versus display ads and much much more. As one of the final remaining people from the original interactive team I take with me loads of historical knowledge of what works and doesn't work, specs that only we know and a lot of helpful advice and info.   Although I will really miss the amazing team of artists that I managed, I know they will keep up the great work they do. They are so awesome at what they do and the amazed me daily, though I probably did not tell them as much as I should have.  If anyone reading this needs top notch interactive designers or website producers contact me I have 4 great people to offer. In the last 5 years I met some great people and I will miss them all. I hope to keep touch with them in email or on Facebook. What is next? What is not next....the opportunities are endless.  


Ok I understand why people look at my boobs when they are talking to me and I am wearing a low cut shirt or even a tank.  BUT why do they constantly look at my face and then my boobs throughout a conversation.  It is one thing to look around the room or the space the conversation is happening in but to keep switching from my eyes to my boobs is a totally other thing.  Let me go on the record that this happens with both sexes.  Seriously people they are not that big nor that awesome.  Are all of my shirts see through? Are they too tight? Do they all have stains? Is my face that ugly? Is there food in my teeth you can't stand looking at? Come on, let me in on the secret. Or at least pay me a compliment or buy me a drink.  The End.  Inspired by the lady at the taco place who had a 10 min conversation with me and my boobs. 

Perfect People

I understand that everyone has reasons to things they do in life.  Heck I have made plenty mistakes and some were doozies.  But I also realize that I am not perfect and nobody is.  I find is extremely sad that there are people in this world that forget how much crap they have done in life and the consequences of those actions on themselves and others.  I get the desire to get things right the second or third time around, but you also need to think out your steps a bit more. Making blanket statements, large actions can and usually do come back to bite you in the ass.  It may not be today, but resentment or mental abuse shows up in time.  I know that not everyone in this world will agree with my statement or the situation BUT I am entitled to my opinion and to state my opinion.   I will not let this or any other disagreement come between me and my family.  I love and cherish everyone one of you whether I see or talk to you daily or only a few times ...

House hunting

Ok so we are looking to move and well you know you forget that other people don't like pets in their places.  Though not all hope is lost, but i am getting a little down.  So now I am contemplating how to reduce my one small room for both of us.  Bunk beds here we come. Lol. Any recommended sites? Any one know of someone looking to rent a two bed room place to a very responsible single mom with a 6 year old and a cat? Thanks!

May Day

Four years ago today, I took a long train ride home with someone that I barely knew. I only knew that I thought he was sort of cute. That ride turned into a relationship and then a wonderful friendship. He has become one of my very best friends. He's always there for me when I need someone. He's very encouraging and helpful. He's jumped right in and became a friend to Alyssa. Though we couldn't make our relationship work, we have an awesome friendship and I am so blessed to have him in my life. Happy May 1st.