
Showing posts from January, 2015

I should make a record

I guess I should start this post with an explanation of the title.  My use of "record" does not mean sit down and write some information in order to preserve for evidence, documentation or law.  I am not using it in the sense of breaking someone's "record" - though as you will tell from the rest of this post I might be able to break someone's record with the number of times I write the word "record" in one blog.  I use "record" as in the act of recording sound onto a record album.  Hmm, this is a bit harder than I orginally thought through.  Yeah, right like I think these post through.  A record album (for all you youngsters out there) is a grooved disk that plays on a phonograph or an optial disk for recording sound {thank you Dictionary App}.  What? No I won't go into more detail or describe a phonograph. Just liken it to a Compact Disk.  Huh? A CD. What! You don't know what that is.  Ok bare with me while I give you a picture s...

Week one down

One week into the year and well I can say that I've learned a lot.  Here's my list, though I am sure there is much more. 1. Getting up daily with God's word feels great. 2. Kids want to go back to school, but they don't want to get back to doing homework.  3. I am still to lazy to get up in the morning to exercise daily. 4. The new year does not make you a new you.  You will still make the same mistakes you made last year unless you make a conscience effort to change. 5. Change is still constant. 6. You have to give yourself enough time in the morning to get yourself ready before you try to get the kids ready.  7. I need to give more of myself to my kids. 8. My cat is in love with me. 9. Some people will never change no matter how much you love them. 10. I don't really know what I want in life, except peace, faith and health in my house.  This week also marks the two month mark of my ACL reconstruction surgery.  I am walking a lot ...