I should make a record
I guess I should start this post with an explanation of the title. My use of "record" does not mean sit down and write some information in order to preserve for evidence, documentation or law. I am not using it in the sense of breaking someone's "record" - though as you will tell from the rest of this post I might be able to break someone's record with the number of times I write the word "record" in one blog. I use "record" as in the act of recording sound onto a record album. Hmm, this is a bit harder than I orginally thought through. Yeah, right like I think these post through. A record album (for all you youngsters out there) is a grooved disk that plays on a phonograph or an optial disk for recording sound {thank you Dictionary App}. What? No I won't go into more detail or describe a phonograph. Just liken it to a Compact Disk. Huh? A CD. What! You don't know what that is. Ok bare with me while I give you a picture show.
This is a record :-)
This is a compact disc or CD.
Ok now back to the original reason of my post...I should make a record of myself because I seem to say the same things over and over. Hey maybe I can trade mark on of them. Do you find yourself saying the same things over and over again. I used to say, "I sound like a broken record!" Then I had to sit there and explain to my kids what a record is and how it skips and repeats itself a lot all to illustrate that I keeping having to repeat myself. The whole impact of the statement is lost when you have to stop and explain it. So I've retired that saying and have picked up a few more.
1. Life isn't fair get used to it.
2. Just let it go- but had to retire that one now too due to the movie Frozen. Damn you Elsa!
3. Worry about yourself.
4. Dude seriously can't you two just keep your hands to yourself.
And #5 my new personal favorite: IF I AM WALKING FASTER THAN YOU, THERE IS A PROBLEM!
What do you find yourself repeating? Am I alone here? Well I am physically alone right now at my local Starbucks...well actually I am not "alone" "alone" there are other people here, but I am sitting by myself. But seriously, anyone want to share? I could use some new one liners.
Next post...things your children repeat over and over again that would sound like nails on a chalk board if you didn't love them so much. Ok it might still.
❤️ me
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