I am worthless without you...

Recently I read an excerpt from a new book by Lysa TerKeurst tilted " Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely " that really hit me. Maybe not a message specifically directed to me, but I could relate and know many people who feel unloved, left out and lonely. We all have those days when we feel amazing and not amazing and that is normal. Ever been uninvited somewhere? Shunned? Lost friends because of gossip or a poor decision? Been a bitch? Yes, just wrote that we are all grown ups here. :-) What if your self-worth depended on what others think of you (or what you think they think of you)??? As I continued to read, I started to think about the world we live in and how sometimes it can be extremely unfriendly, as can we all. Everyday someone is hurt by someone else. Sometimes it shows on the outside, but most often it is hidden deep inside, Sometimes it is on purpose, but a lot of times we let...