In the beginning...there was blame

I may be the only person that has experienced this, but I'm thinking if you are a parent, teacher, boss, or just a human being you might have too. It is the very popular act of people blaming other people for their current situations. We all have probably heard's not my fault so and so made me do it. BUT did you know that this whole situation goes all the way back to the Bible? This morning, as I was taking my daughter to school, we were listening to The Bible Experience. This is a theatrical reading of the complete Bible that is so awesome, but I digress. We just found our collection again so we were starting at the beginning, Genesis. As I am driving and listening, I started to hear it from another perspective...the parental perspective from God's eyes. God the father speaking to his children as we speak to ours. He's given them life, food, shelter (so to speak) and everything they ever need....sound familiar? He give the...