Missing you.

This was our last picture together. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was our last day in North Carolina and she was still the ammonia induced coma with no great news. She was coming in and out and didn't even know we were there. We visited her everyday. We played music for her and she seemed to love it. We showed her videos of the girls playing and singing and tears rolled down her cheeks. As we held her hand she sometimes squeezed our hands, but the nurse said it could be involuntary. We prayed for her and we talked to her. The last night of our visit we stayed at the house with the kids, it was harder than ever to let them go. We barely slept that night. The phone rang at 8am that day and the house started going mad. My stomach sank. Then he called me...it was like time stood still when I heard the words that I was not expecting to hear. "She's awake!" We could not get dressed fast enough. ...