I'm hungry again???
My favorite fibers Lately I have been getting up in the morning and making myself either a smoothie or a cup of iced coffee. This is my feeble attempt to have breakfast. Some of the recipes the NutriBullet iPhone app provides do have Chia - a good alternative to meat protein and I add Flax seed for the fiber - it isn't enough to keep me full. As I started to think about my morning options I realized that I might need to be a bit more opened minded and well honestly wake up a bit earlier to be sure I start my day out a lot better. In coming to this realization, I also ran across and article about 7 high protein foods which referenced and article about 10 meatless high protein foods . This isn't the first time I've had this hungry issue or even the first time I found out about these foods. But no matter how many times I read this, I ultimately forget it about a month or two later. Does this happen to you? Do you read something star...