
Showing posts from May, 2015

I'm hungry again???

My favorite fibers Lately I have been getting up in the morning and making myself either a smoothie or a cup of iced coffee. This is my feeble attempt to have breakfast.  Some of the recipes the  NutriBullet iPhone app  provides do have Chia - a good alternative to meat protein and I add Flax seed for the fiber - it isn't enough to keep me full.  As I started to think about my morning options I realized that I might need to be a bit more opened minded and well honestly wake up a bit earlier to be sure I start my day out a lot better. In coming to this realization, I also ran across and article about 7 high protein foods which referenced and article about 10 meatless high protein foods .  This isn't the first time I've had this hungry issue or even the first time I found out about these foods.  But no matter how many times I read this, I ultimately forget it about a month or two later.  Does this happen to you?  Do you read something star...

Let's be real....Entitlement (a personal opinion)

Entitlement: the fact of having a right to something Right:  a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral Claim:  a demand for something as due; an assertion of a right or an alleged right The definitions just keep going around and around, but the FACT is that there is little in life that we are entitled to.  I love how a fellow blogger put it ('t-owe-your-child/ ) " You don’t have to feel guilty for being the parent that says no. There are many things in life that we DO “owe” our children.  As parents, we owe them our unconditional love, respect, and endless forgiveness. They deserve a place to call home, food to keep them healthy, and an education that will help them later in life... We do not need to feel guilty saying, “NO” to our children! In fact, I’m thankful to parents who say no to their children. Sometimes the best way to love your child is to say no!" I love how she p...

The history of Cinco De Mayo (#makinghistoryawesome)

It was a cold Tuesday morning in Hawthorne, California about 15 minutes before the bell was schedule to ring when the family parked their car out in front of the school.   The daughter smiled and said "Mom tell me a story."   "What type of story?" asked the mom.   "With a unicorn!" exclaimed the daughter. Since it was May 5 - Cinco De  Mayo and the family was partly of Mexican decent and the mother was such a quick thinker (shameless plug for my awesomeness) she pulled together the following story. "OK, how about a history lesson?  Once upon a time (come on all children’s stories start like that, it makes them listen better) there was a Unicorn named Pepe (how do you know Unicorns don’t exist?)  Pepe gathered together all of his family and friends: Manuel, Jesus, Lupita, Maria,  Salvador, Cesar and Nacho (what? I was at a loss for Hispanic names this morning) and he told them that today (May 5, 1862) was the day that they would help...