I'm hungry again???
My favorite fibers |
In coming to this realization, I also ran across and article about 7 high protein foods which referenced and article about 10 meatless high protein foods. This isn't the first time I've had this hungry issue or even the first time I found out about these foods. But no matter how many times I read this, I ultimately forget it about a month or two later. Does this happen to you? Do you read something start doing it and then BAM POW reality hits and you back to square one.
I am determined to break the cycle! I know you've heard that before. Heck, I know I've said it before. BUT I have been given a chance to rebuild my body from top to bottom. During my recent knee injury, following surgery and rehab I have lost a lot of muscle and well put on some weight. Though I am not the person who will complain (anymore, since having kids) that I look "fat" I know that I have not been eating the best or exercising at all...see previous sentence for reference. Back the second chance thing...it can reshape my body to a healthy, and well fed, exercised one. It will not only affect my life but my kids as well. Now is the time! Ha, like that tag line will stick. I give myself freedom to mess-up, to allow my kids to eat muffins for breakfast sometimes, to forget to eat breakfast or a well packed lunch, and to "forget" to exercise a least once a week. In other words, I give myself the freedom to be human.
Back to the feeling hungry thing. Oe person will tell you that you need a high protein diet to stay full and keep your metabolism steady, someone else will say it is all about a high fiber diet. However, research shows that we need be getting AT LEAST the recommended daily requirements from both the protein and fiber daily. I read that if my goal was strictly weight loss, the protein path may be my best bet, but my family runs the risk of Diabetes and other articles I've read mention that high fiber diets may be the best bet for reducing my risk. All this reading and referencing has made me hungry. :-)
The big question is WHAT are the recommended amounts? Did you know that there are tons of conflicting reports on what is the recommended amounts of protein for women and men? It seems to me the only thing they do agree on is that "10–35% of your daily calories come from protein." As you will see below that even the government sites conflict how to state the recommended amounts. I say go with which ever is easier for you to put into your head...I am the later recommendation below.
The CDC makes recommendations in grams needed each day for different sex and age groups
ChooseMyPlate.gov puts the recommendation in "ounces" equivalents. "In general, 1 ounce of meat, poultry or fish, ¼ cup cooked beans, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, or ½ ounce of nuts or seeds can be considered as 1 ounce equivalent from the Protein Foods Group."
As for dietary fiber - I get crazy confused. Good vs Bad, soluble fiber or insoluble fiber. Come to find out we need both the soluble fiber and insoluble fibers, but it is where you get the fiber that is important. Also I read that most American greatly under consume dietary fiber. Women need 25 grams of fiber per day, and men need 38 grams per day, according to pretty much everyone. WARNING: HIGH FIBER FOOD CAN MAKE YOU BLOATED. Introduce fiber to your diet slowly. Start fiber at a low dose and increase it every one to two weeks if you are not used to eating roughage. Also at first, you may find it challenging to eat all of your daily fiber grams. Just take it slowly and try to choose higher-fiber foods more often. Over time, you'll gradually be eating more fiber!
My goal is to eat my recommended amounts...what's yours?
Great references for adding more non meat protein and dietary fiber into your diet, some recipes too:
High fiber foods - Mayo Clinic
20 Best foods for Fiber - Health.com
High-Fiber Super Foods - WebMD
10 meatless high protein foods - Cooking Light
USDA - resource for a lot of great info
Here's to good health!
USDA - resource for a lot of great info
Here's to good health!
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