I will admit that since I turned 18 years only I have only actually voted once. Yes, you read that correctly once. Believe me when I say I have already heard every one of the reasons I should vote and how "awful" I was for not voting. Or how my ancestors... Yes, I understand all that but in my heart I believe (and still sort of believe) that in reality my vote does not matter. I figured that as long as I don't complain about politics then I was OK not voting. I mean IF I didn't vote and complained about how things were run, then I'd be CRAZY right? I still do not understand why we have the whole electoral college. I want them to count every single vote in the USA equally, but that is not what happens... " when a person casts a vote in the general election, they're not really voting directly for an individual ticket. They're voting for something called Electors , and whichever ticket gets the most votes in a state then gets that...