Top 10 things I've learned this week...
#10 - Nobody is a perfect parent, but some are much better at it than others. #9 - Persuasion is an art form learned at birth. #8 - No matter what don't leave the soap or shampoo in reach of a bathing child. #7 - If you are sharing a bed with a kid lay down with them or go find a chair! #6 - Everyone has a favorite child, even if they won't admit it...I never said it had to be their own child. LOL #5 - Small Children can snore like grizzly bears #4 - Kids HATE everything, even the things they love. #3 - No matter how much sleep you know you need, you can survive on a lot less...AND HAVE NO CHOICE! #2 - If mom/dad say no ask your aunt...but she NEVER let's you do anything so go ask your Grandma. Wait she sides with your aunt. Time to scream and pout and tell everyone how horrible your 5 whole years have been. #1 - Kids can smell weakness! Best quotes of the day: (Extremely loudly at 7am) Alyssa (trying to get a rise out of her sister) - Nah nanny n...