
Showing posts from August, 2012

Top 10 things I've learned this week...

#10 - Nobody is a perfect parent, but some are much better at it than others. #9 - Persuasion is an art form learned at birth. #8 - No matter what don't leave the soap or shampoo in reach of a bathing child. #7 - If you are sharing a bed with a kid lay down with them or go find a chair! #6 - Everyone has a favorite child, even if they won't admit it...I never said it had to be their own child.  LOL #5 - Small Children can snore like grizzly bears #4 - Kids HATE everything, even the things they love. #3 - No matter how much sleep you know you need, you can survive on a lot less...AND HAVE NO CHOICE! #2 - If mom/dad say no ask your aunt...but she NEVER let's you do anything so go ask your Grandma.  Wait she sides with your aunt.  Time to scream and pout and tell everyone how horrible your 5 whole years have been. #1 - Kids can smell weakness! Best quotes of the day: (Extremely loudly at 7am) Alyssa (trying to get a rise out of her sister) - Nah nanny n...

Hilo Medical Center too???

Sadly my family can't catch a break. Just heard from my Aunt Ana and she is getting worse and no one seems to know why. Today: she threw up and they don't know why. She feels horrible and is starting her 6th week in this hospital. She is low on magnesium, potassium, , protein and other minerals. She is in and out of sleep. Took a fall today and they still can't tell her why. Her rash had spread all over. She went in her a rash weeks ago that they said she was contagious and now she just keeps getting worse week after week. She said the doctor is telling them one thing and writing down another. Through all this she keeps her sense of humor and asks about Stacy. Please pray for her health and for a knowledgable medical staff that cares about their patients. That God heals her body.

Womack Army Medical Center SUCKS

The medical center on Fort Bragg in North Carolina is horrible. My sister has been in and out of there 4x in the last 3 months and each time she is sent home they say she is strong enough to go home. The first time she was sent home about 3 days after she woke up after she had just spent 2 weeks in an ammonia induced coma, and had lost so much blood that she need like 4 transfusions. She lasted a little over 2 weeks and she was right back in there. Bleeding again internally much they were afraid they could not stop it, but again they get her "stable" and send her home. This time they were supposed to have a nurse come check on her and have home therapy. But I was there for a week and no one came. Oh opps they didn't order a home nurse for her. They also sent her home with a prescription list that was not very detailed and bottles of the same drug at different milligrams from 3 different doctors. Oh the did send a hospital bed, how nice of them. This past Friday she e...

We fought and yelled...but we are sisters

We cried and we loved, but no matter what we always do everything we can for each other. Dear Stacy, When you were born I was probably not the happiest person in the world.  I bet I just thought about myself and how my attention would be split.  Somehow I think KP probably felt the same way when I was born.  LOL  But as you got older I realized that you were pretty fun to play with.  i remember when Dad stopped the car short so that he would not hit a dog and you hit your head on the windshield (before carseats of course).  Kristi and I were screaming and crying and Mom just turned around and yelled at us to shut up because you weren't even crying.  LOL you were a tough one even then.  Oh and I am sorry that when you were about a year old and KP was babysitting us that I punched you in the face, but understand this if she had not used you for a shield I would have totally knocked her out for cheating on video games. Thanks for not telling on m...

In my humble opinion

With God all things are possible. The following verses, poem and song are keeping me going daily. My faith does not guarantee me a peaceful path, but someone to walk next to me a holding me the whole way. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-19 2 Timothy 1:7 2 Corinthians 4:18 Philippians 4:6 Psalms 118:24 Would you dare to believe by Josh Wilson

Well you did ask for a sign - God

You know how we all move through life saying " I think I want to do this" or "I'm not sure if I should do that" or even "If I just had a sign from God I'd know what to do."  Then you go on with your life just as if you never had that problem, issue or decision to make.  You push it down and pretend it never existed and then BAM! POW!, it all comes back and you start the cycle all over again.  It can go on for days, months, even years for some issues or big decisions.  Sometimes these things do work themselves out on their own and others you just keep pondering.  I bet God sits up there and looks down going WHAT THE HECK DO YOU NEED ME TO DO TO GET THIS THROUGH TO YOU. Thanks God, I think I get it now.  Serious thoughts, legalities, situations and prayers going on here in this body/mind.  But really how many times can you drive past that sign before you say OH CRAP that was my sign.  XOXO Friends and family for your continued suppor...

What to write???

As I am sitting here I feel so much wanting to come out but then I censor myself, which of course is the first no no of blogging.  Blogging is supposed to be a release, but really right now I feel like it would sound like whining, sadness, crazy talk (which is normal lol) or just nonsense.  However, I will do it any way.  I may not be writing in complete sentences, I am going to just start typing and stop when I feel like it. With that said I should note that my grammar may suck, my spelling will be off and my words may not make any sense...but that makes if fun right?  Buckle up, here we go. Why I wont stop blogging, because it makes me feel good to express myself.  Lately life has become very REAL.  Yes, I know what you are thinking "Terri life is always real or you're not living."  But I think there are plenty of us (myself included) that float through life and just let life happen.  I've decided (I think lol) that I need to live my life not ...