Well you did ask for a sign - God

You know how we all move through life saying " I think I want to do this" or "I'm not sure if I should do that" or even "If I just had a sign from God I'd know what to do."  Then you go on with your life just as if you never had that problem, issue or decision to make.  You push it down and pretend it never existed and then BAM! POW!, it all comes back and you start the cycle all over again.  It can go on for days, months, even years for some issues or big decisions.  Sometimes these things do work themselves out on their own and others you just keep pondering.  I bet God sits up there and looks down going WHAT THE HECK DO YOU NEED ME TO DO TO GET THIS THROUGH TO YOU.

Thanks God, I think I get it now.  Serious thoughts, legalities, situations and prayers going on here in this body/mind.  But really how many times can you drive past that sign before you say OH CRAP that was my sign. 

XOXO Friends and family for your continued support of our Family situation.  Prayer works wonders, but so does listening to the signs...  :-)


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