Womack Army Medical Center SUCKS

The medical center on Fort Bragg in North Carolina is horrible. My sister has been in and out of there 4x in the last 3 months and each time she is sent home they say she is strong enough to go home.

The first time she was sent home about 3 days after she woke up after she had just spent 2 weeks in an ammonia induced coma, and had lost so much blood that she need like 4 transfusions. She lasted a little over 2 weeks and she was right back in there. Bleeding again internally much they were afraid they could not stop it, but again they get her "stable" and send her home. This time they were supposed to have a nurse come check on her and have home therapy. But I was there for a week and no one came. Oh opps they didn't order a home nurse for her. They also sent her home with a prescription list that was not very detailed and bottles of the same drug at different milligrams from 3 different doctors. Oh the did send a hospital bed, how nice of them.

This past Friday she ends up back there and over the weekend they pump 14 POUNDS of liquid from her stomach, and tell us her kidneys aren't functioning well. Then Tuesday night guess what? Yep sent home again. The next day the home nurse comes over and she says her legs are numb and the nurse takes one look at her and says call the ambulance do she goes back.

This brings us to today 2 days later Womak Army Medical Center say that since she is strong enough to walk to the bathroom and back to bed she is strong enough to go home. BUT, another hospital won't even take her because she isn't strong enough for three hours of therapy. What the heck?

So Womak is it your policy to just give up on patients? I understand you have other patients, but really? Her liver is failing, her kidneys are not working well, she has pain in her legs, BUT hell she can walk to the bathroom and back send her home she's fine. AWESOME!

This is laughable, their mission statement and vision:

Provide the highest quality health care, maximize the medical deployability
of the force, ensure the readiness of Womack's personnel, and sustain
exceptional education and training programs.

Army's Medical Center of Excellence...the choice of America's finest!

Dignity and Respect, Courtesy and Compassion, Honor and Integrity.

For our customers and ourselves.

Pathetic! P.s. this is also the hospital that told Stacy she was fine when she said she was having unusual labor pain and ended up having her placenta rupture from uterus resulting in Haley ending up in Stacy's stomach cavity. And the place that told David to say Good bye to his daughter as they prepared to airlift her to Duke for intensive care because the Dr said she would never survive. Way to display your core values Womak. Bravo.

Please feel free to repost this blog any and everywhere you'd like.


  1. i went to patient advocacy so much, i felt like i lived there. neurology admitted me for a week. they didn't do one test, and sent me home with a walker. my legs were paralyzed. i fell when the dr took me 'walking', and she covered it up in her records. after i pulled all the muscles in my back, trying to compensate for my legs with my arms, i was given a wheelchair. my records have been changed, and some are missing. if a doctor tries to help the soldier, after wamc told them not to, their job is threatened. the wtb clinic needs to be investigated for criminal activity. even wamc department of ministry had me crawling around dc for 4 days, because the wtb trip wasn't wheelchair compliant. ch. lenninger said it was my fault that i couldn't keep up. i worked for him, and they knew i was in a wheelchair! i filed an eo complaint. the result? my records and profiles were changed; the dr said i didn't need a wheelchair anymore. problem solved. apparently, my dr doesn't have the same power as Jesus Christ, because i still can't walk. one of wamc doctors told a soldier that it was normal to have a third testicle. it was cancer. my central nervous system is covered in tumors. what kind? who knows? my requests for a biopsy and neurosurgeon have been denied, as well as requests for a new pcm. the ombudsman? don't bother. they don't do anything, either. my spinal cord is dying, and my records have been changed so much, i am now being labeled as a 'faker'. i will be thrown out on the street with nothing, and no medical care. my story is COMMON. congress is calling the situation there 'horrendous'. wamc is being investigated. i have heard horror story after horror story from wamc patients. most of the staff are NOT qualified to civilian standards. that disclaimer should be on the front door in bold letters. i keep getting told that i have 'free' medical care. wamc has ruined my life. there is nothing free about that.

  2. Deborah, thank you so much for sharing your story. Feel free to repost my blog any where. The more we can get our stories out the better. I will pray for your healing and NOT from that hospital. Again, thank you for taking your time to write this.

  3. Have you tried showing up in an emergency room?
    (UNC is a state hospital...don't turn anyone away)


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