Letter to My Sister

HI Stacy!

Hope Heaven is treating you well.  We sure miss you here on earth.  I am sure you are watching us daily, but just in case you are missing the finer details let me fill you in on your kids.  They, just like me, miss you.  We all wish that tomorrow was a day of celebration not a day of remembrance.  But I guess we should celebrate that you are not in pain anymore and that all three of yours children are being well taken care of.

Hey did you hear that I am FINALLY getting married?  You would totally like the guy.  He's so great.  He's a big goofball like me but very loyal, caring and helpful.  He treats us all with respect and has only the best intentions when it comes to the kids.  We will rock this parenting thing together.  These kids will have an additional person to fill them up with love.

So what have you missed in the last 5 years?  Unfortunately a lot.  It makes me sad sometimes to remember what they have all been through over the years.  Haley, of course, was a bit young when you left but she knows you love her.  She's been able to be taken off the feeding tube, eats pretty much anything, walks flat foot and is very smart.  She's still as hyper and silly as ever.  She's a loving, caring, emotional soul.  She sees life through a different view and she is very close to God.

Alyssa is awesome!  Let's just start by the fact she looks EXACTLY like you.  She acts like you and she smiles like you. So in reality I am just raising you.  HAHA but this time I am the boss.  She is smart, sweet, loving, silly, very friendly and very helpful to others.  She plays volleyball and has an awesome serve.  I liken her serve to your kicks to clear the ball in soccer.  She has a strong desire to learn and speak Spanish.  She love music and dancing.  Oh and she is very confident in herself and she is her generation's Punky Brewster.  :-)

Matthew is so great.  He's grown into such a wonderful soul. His heart to serve is enormous. He's finally becoming happy, he's taller than  me and very handsome.  He plays soccer, track and loves loves love Key Club.  He really wants to better the world and if he wanted to, Pat say he could be President one day.  After some rocky years at his old school, he's now succeeding and doing awesome in school.  He's funny too.  Best part is he's a teenager that actually likes hanging with his parents some times.  :-)

I just want you to know that Pat and I commit to continue helping these kids be the best they can be.  We promise to help mold them into respectful, honest, trustworthy, faithful, smart choice making individuals that will become prospering adults.  You trusted me to do this and now I have even more help.  It is my extreme pleasure to be raising your children for you.  I promise to continue to do the best I can do.

I love and miss you so much.  I wish I could just hug you one more time and tell you that even though we didn't always see eye to eye that you were and are a very special part of my life.  Hey on 3/24/18 - keep an ear out for "Sweet Dreams" - you know your favorite song - it will be playing for you.  Yeah, yeah, yeah I know it's not your favorite song you just liked listening to is on non stop repeat.

Much Love,
Your Sister, Terri



  1. You are awesome Terri! I see Stacy in Alyssa, too. It's hard to raise purposeful, confident children today, and she exudes it, great job.

  2. Do you do this to just to see jow many of us will ball our eyes out....at work. Again Terri, you wrote so beautifully and it says all that many feel. You are one hecknof a sister/mother/soon to be wifr

  3. Terri, this is the best tribute to your sister I have ever read. YOU are a loving and caring person and your sister can be assured that her children are being well taken care of. Great wok mom. Love your future mom in law


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