
Showing posts from March, 2012


I've been thinking, yes I realize the doctor told me not too, but I never listen. Where was I? Oh yeah let's KISS. I think the world would be a better place if more people KISSed. When you KISS people understand you better. They don't have to guess at what you a thinking, because you have KISSed. We would be able to have better relationships because if you are KISSing there is no guess work involved, it is all out there plain to see and understand. Heck I will even say if people in Politics KISSed more often they'd have votes. The problem here is KISSing is not that easy. Many people like to get so fancy it starts to be all French and no KISS. Don't get me wrong French is a beautiful language if you speak it correctly and the people you are talking to understand it, but it is not KISSing if they don't. So I say practice KISSing whenever you can! Life would be so much better. Just KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. XO - I obviously need to practice KISSing as this was no...

{Blog Post} like a plain wrapped can of {corn} or {Tomato Sauce}

People blog about many different topics and for many different reasons. Some try write to inform. Some to entertain. Some to help others. Some to inspire. I write because if I didn't I'd talk more than I already do and if I inform, entertain, help or inspire you at the same time then BONUS for me. Now on to business: If you read my blog, you should think about becoming a follower. There are tons for perks for being a follower of this blog, BUT since you are not a follower yet I can't tell you what they are. :-) Oh and get your friends and family to follow. If you are MY friends and family I expect you to already be followers. Why? Because if you don't make my site popular how am I ever supposed to be able to quit my job and blog for a living. Think about how many more mindless, but entertaining posts I could do if I got paid to do it. HAHAHA On to a serious note, well there isn't actually a serious note. Why not? That is they question. Share the l...

The face of...

BOREDOM! the end

Let me count the ways...

and things that I am thankful for. If you are like most people you can let days go by without thinking about all you have in your life and being thankful for it. You can also go days, months, years and a lifetime not being thankful for the things you don't have anymore, lost or those unanswered prayers. We can let the day's troubles or storms cover I eyes from all those things we do have in our lives that are a blessing. Being thankful for even the smallest things in life can open your eyes to the bigger things we take for granted. My challenge to you is to grab a notebook and write down 5 things daily that you are thankful for. Just write the first 5 things that come to your mind. Don't give it much thought it can be anything not matter how big or small. Some days this will be so easy to do and others it won't but do it anyway. Try it for a month and let me know if you see things differently or if you feel any happier about your circumstances. Of course if y...

How the Internet Was Started

In ancient Israel, it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a young wife by the name of Dot. And Dot Com was a comely woman, broad of shoulder and long of leg. Indeed, she was often called Amazon Dot Com. And she said unto Abraham, her husband, "Why dost thou travel so far from town to town with thy goods when thou canst trade without ever leaving thy tent? And Abraham did look at her as though she were several saddle bags short of a camel load, but simply said, "How, dear?" And Dot replied, "I will place drums in all the towns and drums in between to send messages saying what you have for sale, and they will reply telling you who hath the best price. And the sale can be made on the drums and delivery made by Uriah's Pony Stable (UPS)." Abraham thought long and decided he would let Dot have her way with the drums. And the drums rang out and were an immediate success. Abraham sold all the goods he had at the top p...

Mercy Me - they make me laugh

If you listen to the Fish or KLOVE or any other Christian station you have probably heard of Mercy Me. I really enjoy their music (almost as much as I do Donny and Marie LOL). Check out these hilarious covers of Justin Beiber's "Baby Baby" and the Beatles "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" cover of "Baby Baby" cover of "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" There are so many other ones: thriller, eye of the tiger...etc. Click the "Watch on YouTube" button on the bottom of the video screen to be taken to YouTube and watch more. If you want to check out the band take a look here: Mercy Me Blog

Practicing Holy habits

Even when they are hard. I have managed to thank God for what he's given to me and taken from me as he always knows what is best for me. Over the last 10+ years I have developed the inward thoughts of envy and/or jealousy when I see women who are pregnant or just had a baby or couples who just got married or engaged. It is hard that God has decided that I am not ready for those blessings, he knows best. However, as my 30's pass me by it gets harder to keep my eyes on God's plan. Today I have decided to take those wrong feelings and turn it into a Holy Habit. As I walk by those women or couples I will praise God, pray for their lives and happiness. Pray for strong marriages and healthy amazing babies. I wont let those harmful and evil feelings take over my wonderful, beautiful, and amazing life. That even though those desires are still there, I resign my heart to God's plan. All good things come to those who wait. Lord, I am here in my waiting place and I will w...

You are chosen and dearly loved

At times we feel that we are unloved and unwanted but we forget that God loves and wants us. There may be plenty of people that come in and out of our lives and no matter how you try to hang to them they still leave, but God even if you can't see, feel or hear him every second of your life he still loves and wants you. He wants us to know that we are chosen and deeply loved. He hopes that that in good and bad times we turn to him for support . I pray for all of you reading this post that you always feel that you are loved and wanted. That even in your times of absolute sorrow that you are chosen and dearly lived and if you ever feel alone know that this blogger will be there for you.

Good Friends, The Osmonds and...

THE AMISH! Definitely one of the best vacations ever (for me at least). Tuesday we got on the boat, checked in for the Donny and Marie cruise. Our first time with them was at about 4:30 when they welcomed us all. It was GREAT. I have a picture that Lucky is in, but I was too short to be seen. After the life jacket drill we has dinner and it was decent. They asked me if I had dietary needs, but they never asked again or give me a different menu. After a drink or two we headed to the Q&A Session with Donny and Maire. It was so fun and they were very honest and every entertaining. I was laughing so much. This was followed up with "Osmond" karaoke. Later that evening we went to the disco club and ended up dancing with 6 Osmonds(Donny's kids and their wives.) It was so fun and their were having a blast. Ended the evening watching the end of Overboard with Marie. I really think Donny and Marie are great performers, not afraid to show their faith, family ...