I've been thinking, yes I realize the doctor told me not too, but I never listen. Where was I? Oh yeah let's KISS. I think the world would be a better place if more people KISSed. When you KISS people understand you better. They don't have to guess at what you a thinking, because you have KISSed. We would be able to have better relationships because if you are KISSing there is no guess work involved, it is all out there plain to see and understand. Heck I will even say if people in Politics KISSed more often they'd have votes. The problem here is KISSing is not that easy. Many people like to get so fancy it starts to be all French and no KISS. Don't get me wrong French is a beautiful language if you speak it correctly and the people you are talking to understand it, but it is not KISSing if they don't. So I say practice KISSing whenever you can! Life would be so much better.


XO - I obviously need to practice KISSing as this was not a simple post. Or was it. Lol


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