{Blog Post} like a plain wrapped can of {corn} or {Tomato Sauce}

People blog about many different topics and for many different reasons. Some try write to inform. Some to entertain. Some to help others. Some to inspire. I write because if I didn't I'd talk more than I already do and if I inform, entertain, help or inspire you at the same time then BONUS for me.

Now on to business:

If you read my blog, you should think about becoming a follower. There are tons for perks for being a follower of this blog, BUT since you are not a follower yet I can't tell you what they are. :-) Oh and get your friends and family to follow. If you are MY friends and family I expect you to already be followers.

Because if you don't make my site popular how am I ever supposed to be able to quit my job and blog for a living. Think about how many more mindless, but entertaining posts I could do if I got paid to do it. HAHAHA On to a serious note, well there isn't actually a serious note.

Why not? That is they question. Share the love, your friends need a smile too.

Later!!! I'm staying unladylike because it's fun and sometimes fattening.


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