Life and FB

As the summer comes to an end and I think that life will be a bit more manageable,  I am browsing through my FB friends pages and can see that life is EVERYTHING BUT normal or simple.  That the times ahead are so uncertain.  Some friends are pregnant and some lost kids.  Some are facing possible family loss due to illness and others have already experienced it.  Some have lost their jobs and some have gained new ones.  Others have gotten married, divorced or separated. 

It is sad that life these days are so busy and life brings so many different people come into your life that you can't possibly keep up with all the wonderful people you've met over that years.  That as wonderful as FB can be, it is still a long way away from actually "connecting" with your friend and family.  Yes we can pick up something here and there from their pages, but for me I am usually a bit late in the game because I am probably so self-absorbed that I don't make time to go through them all.

So I sit here wondering, is it worth having this many Facebook friends when you only really check on X number of them.  Do you need to be friends with people you knew 15-20 years ago?  Do they really care about you? Then I think again, that sometimes FB gives me the opportunity to pray for someone and their circumstances.  The though I may not know them much now or haven't seen them in years does not mean that there is not someone on my list that can relate to my life and what I've been going through.

As I contemplate the new school year for Alyssa, I start to think about how different my life is a year ago today.  I had a good job, the single life, I was running lots of races, no children and 2 sisters.  Today I am unemployed, single and not loving it, haven't ran a race or really ran at all since December, I have a 6 year old and only one sisters is living.  What a huge reality check that I am not in charge of the path my life takes.  That I should never take what I have or don't have for granted.  That no matter how much I want or don't want something it can still happen.  That one day we can wake up happy but go to bed sad.  That without the faith the God will bring me through everything he takes me to, I'd be lost and probably have given up a lot sooner.  Though I have not nor will I ever be perfect, I can be forgiven and given another chance. 

Today, I feel like these verses are talking to me loud and clear: 

2 Corinthians 4:18 - "So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen.  For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever." 

Matthew 6:34 - "So don't worry a out tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."

Philippians 4:6 - "Don't worry about anything; Instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done."  I do this nightly,  I say thank you Lord for all you've given to me and all you will give to me.  Thank you for all you've TAKEN from me and all you will take from me.  As only you know that best for me, I will thank you for me life as it is. 

I may not know what all my friends or family are up to at all times but I will be thankful for having them in my life at any place they come in.  I will be thankful that God sends me to their pages when they need encouragement, prayers or just kind words.  Facebook isn't a great place and you can run into tons of crap, but sometimes you can and do touch people with your words, pictures or support.  I am glad today I was able to see/read the things I saw/read because it gave me the opportunity to put someone in my thoughts/prayers that have been there in awhile.

So if I've missed any important posts of yours know that it was not on purpose, but I do care about you and that if you ever need anything, I have a prayerchain FB page that would love to include you or anyone you love on.  Because I am a going to be honest, I may not always see your page or post BUT I will always take the time to pray for you and yours if you let me know.


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