Make the one

Today I read that we should be willing to help as the Holy Spirit guides us. If God has directed you to do a kind act, to render a service or to restore a relationship/friendship, do it. You will experience a renewed and refreshed vitality to your Christian faith.

How do you feel about that? I agree. Though sometimes it is a lot hard than just saying sure that sound great, I'll do it. I find that it is easy to perform an act of kindness or render a service, but when it comes to restore a relationship/friendship now that can be very hard for me. I'm not a grudge holder per say, but when someone hurts me it is very hard for me to let them back in. Not because I hate them or anything, but because I don't like to feel vulnerable. But I guess just saying that makes me vulnerable.

Are there any relationships or friendships you need to repair? A lot of the time we say "one day" we'll be friends again. Or if he/she wanted my friendship she'd call me. Or my favorite, it goes both ways, She/he has my number. But you still feel that little tug on your heart or that constant thought of that person or even a flood of memories? That is God's way of saying, I need you back in her/his life.

Take the time and wont regret it. I'm happy I did. :-)

Remember, If it's unladylike, fattening or fun,..I'm in!


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