Who knew???

Last Friday I started to feel a cold coming on, but I was determined to not let it stay. However, even with all of my activity and movement to not let it find a home in me it did. By Saturday night I was coughing at night and by Sunday morning it buried itself into my chest. So not happy about that. Well I went to work Monday and Tuesday hacking, because who really wants to waste a "sick" day when you aren't really sick. Yes, I do get sick during the year but hey at the end of the year if you have them left and your are going to lose them you have to use them. BUT again who wants to spend them sick.

Anyway, Tuesday night my boyfriend says tonight drink some Tennessee Honey Whiskey before going to bed it should help. I giggled a bit because he's a whiskey lover so of course that would be his answer for this and well most things. However, at this point I'd try anything. I did at the "doctor" ordered and when I went to bed I actually did get some sleep that night and i swear in the morning I was feeling so much better. Well, that and I had the day off to play around at Disneyland. But really I did feel better. So last night I did the same and better again this morning.

My roomie has been sick for about 2 weeks and won't take my "doctor's" advice...what's she waiting for. :-)

p.s. I do not condone getting wasted off whiskey when you are sick or that whiskey is the answer to all illnesses or problems. Nor to I advocate drinking illegally and all the other caveats I need to mention. Oh and Please drink responsibility.

As always...If it's unladylike, fattening or fun,..I'm in!


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