Pardon my flush

So yesterday one of our new office neighbors was sad and complaining about the fish on her desk dying and that she just could not get herself to clean him out or flush him.

So this morning a group of us decided that we'd help her out but taking care of the funeral plans for Pete the dead Beta fish before she got into the office. I had a fishnet not the tights but an actual net from the last Beta fish our group had that died and used that to scoop up Pete. We all said goodbye and I said a little prayer for him before sending him to his final watery resting place.

The whole day goes by before she even notices he is gone and then all heck breaks loose. Not only is she not thankful, she is pissed. Steaming fire out of her ears that someone was in her cube (open to all) while she was gone. Pissed that we touched her stuff, which we didn't.

Wow, so much for trying to be nice to someone. Now I have to apologize for my actions just to stop a big inter-office feud. If I was doing it maliciously then I'd see getting mad, but dang.

P.s. She apologized today for her attitude.  Alls well that ends well...except for Pete that is.  LOL


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