The Way

It is very rare that I actually write about a movie as even though I like movies not many move me as much as this one.  "The Way" is an Emilion Estevez movie that stars his dad, Martin Sheen as the main character Tom.  It is about a father that goes over seas to claim the body of his estranged son that has passed away.  His some dies while starting his pilgrimage on the "Camino de Santiago" and the Father decides to do it for himself.  The movie is a moving and beautiful cinematic masterpiece IN MY MIND. I cried a lot and I was inspired.

I don't want to tell you the whole movie, but it was great.  Yes could and have other people seen this movie and thought nothing of it? Yes they have, but I don't care.  This movie was real, well written and well filmed in my opinion.

I would love to make this trek one day.  I would like to say that in about 12-15 years when my daughter is in college I would love to take the 20 - 30 day trek of the Camino de Santiago.  To take it all in, not rush nor fret.  To let the experience lead the way.  To set aside my fears and let life show me the way.  The Camino de Santiago is on my bucket list now with seeing the aurora borealis some day.

Buen Camino mis Amigos


  1. "...seeing the aurora borealis some day." That's on mine, too! Surprised you haven't made a family trip to do that!

  2. Turns out two of my friends did the sound job on this film - hopefully they will be loaning it to me!

  3. Sharon and I saw it and loved it! Thanks so much for telling us about it! Especially the ending in the church... that was awesome.


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