I'm alive because these two great men fall in love with two great women. Both men from two very different backgrounds. Ray from a fatherless home with a extremely hard working, straight line keeping mom. Humberto from a high class family in Cuba, whose best friend let's just say climbed to a high place that my grandpa refused to help or be part of. One served in the Navy, one worked hard to start his life after military school on the USA. Both men with equally hard challenges some that same and some different. What they do have in common is that they both raise families of 4 children. Both worked hard, played hard and loved with all their hearts, even if it looked different coming from either one. Both men were strong, courageous, loving and faithful.
From these two great men came these 4 great men:

Each of these men have also lived very different lives, even if they came from the same houses. All have seen their struggles, had hard choices to make and have seen relationships end. All have over come battles or faced their demons. Each one has been knocked down and got himself back up. Mike is a father of 3 and has shown us what to look for in a good man. He's help instill in us that hard work pays off, loving yourself is important, kindness matters, and that everyone makes mistakes but it is what happens after you make them that determines your character. Jeff raised his only son and namesake on his own away from his family. Working hard everyday and playing hard on the weekends. He helped his son see that hard work pays off, sacrifices are necessary, and nature is to be loved and explored. He showed him that with love, guidance and support a child can grow up well balanced even with only one active parent. Rusty, has also raised his 3 kids mostly as a single dad, but with much more help than his brother had at times. He worked hard and loves harder. He's put career aside to take care of the ones he loves. Daily he picks up, feeds, bathes, changes and entertains his almost 30 year old son with severe cerebral palsy. All the while still having time to spread his loving smile and heart to his two girls, nieces, newphews and grandkids. Humby has been through so much and still gets up every day and thanks God for life. He's that father of 4 girls and one son who is waiting for him in Heaven. He's got a huge heart and isn't afraid to show it. He always wants the best for his girls even, if it isn't with him at this time. He's helped my children adjust and feel a father's love. He's always there when he's needed and he shows his family that they are what is important in life. All four men have traveled different paths and they (and a sister) have brought into this world 3 men who are more important to me than they know.

These three men, though again very different, are equally amazing to me. Ray, you show me that we all must do the best with what God and life gives us. You show me that we should find joy in the small things in life. That sneezes are funny, repetition can be calming and that love can be shown without words but just a simple hug. Mike, you are resilient. A fighter. You are a man that admits their mistakes and moves foward the best he knows how. You've turned to God for strength and help me see that even this long term Christian needs to dig deeper in her faith. You take the punches as they come and you love big. Ryan, the cousin from Washington lol, I don't have to see you frequently to know that you are awesome. You are a hard worker and you play hard just like your dad. You are loving, caring and hilarious. Now as you take on raising your mini me, I can see that you will follow in the footsteps of your wonderful dad. You three are more than just my cousins, you are the legacy of AWESOMNESS.
Blood doesn't always make someone family. These three men are special to my heart and I love them very much.

Chad, you are my brother and threw thick and thin I will always love you. You are a courageous man. You've given our country more than it has given back to you. You have your faults but don't hide behind them or run from them. You show me that I can be me and I shouldn't try to be anyone else. You've helped me laugh at myself and not be so damn serious. Thank you so standing in the gap for my kids when they need a father figure. Mike, you've shown me what patience looks like. You give with all you have. Your honestly is refreshing and you have a big heart. You've always made me feel like a daughter to you. Finally, but no less important, Gary thank you for being Dad #2. You've always been a straight shooter, very funny and so loving. You and Debbie have always been there for me, especially when I wanted to run away (time after time). Thank you for always setting me straight on where me shots should have gone...between the white/yellow poles.
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO YOU ALL. It is you along with God who has helped make me the person I am today. Yep, your fault ;-) . Seriously, I hope to find a man as wonderful as you all are. Thank you for all you've done and will do for me. I LOVE YOU ALL.
Terri, you are such a great person, my sister. I have always been able to count on you for moral support, spiritual guidance and just plain ole sound advice. I love you so much and I hope you know how important you are to me. Happy Father's day to you for playing both roles in raising your sister's children, just awesome. I am honored to have you as family and you're a special part of my life that I can not express fully how much you mean to me and my family. I love you very much.