The funny thing about "CHOICES" is we all think that we are FREE to make them. However, once you've made a choice you open yourself up to many things. Consequences, judgment, gossip and a host a may other non positive things. Yes, your CHOICES can also bring benefits, praise, happiness and a whole slue of other positive things. Either way CHOICES don't come totally free.
Today, June 26th 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States of America says that same-sex marriage are to be recognized and performed in all 50 states. Many people feel that this is a strike against the church and that we must fight harder that God would be so ashamed of this ruling. I've even ran across a few articles claiming to know how Jesus would respond to the news of the day. I for one, will not now or ever pretend to know how Jesus would respond or what he's say. I am not Jesus and not even slightly worthy of his love and grace, but gladly accept it.
Here is how I see it (agree with me or not), whether you are one side one or the other, you still actually have a CHOICE. A CHOICE to not condemn those who don't think, act, believe or even love the way you do. A CHOICE to still love God with all your heart and soul and believe the way you have always believed. Though you also have a CHOICE to show your beliefs in a loving or a hateful way. You not only have a CHOICE but the freedom to love, live and breath the way you want to. You don't have to love or even like the decisions other make for themselves, because you don't live their lives. Your beliefs are still valid. The Bible hasn't become worthless because of the ruling. You can still raise your children the way you want to. But you also have a CHOICE to raise someone who loves at all times or someone that only loves those that are just like them. Unconditional love, does not mean you agree with every decision someone makes, it means that you love in spite of your differences. Maybe I am wrong, but hey I won't know until I walk up to those pearly gates and answer for all the really stupid, awful and ungodly things I've done.
As I sit here a write this post I have many different emotions swirling around my head. I am a follower of Christ and I believe he has given us a law to follow and I will teach my children to follow it. However, I AM AND ALWAYS WILL BE A SINNER. Almost daily I make CHOICES that don't always promote the highest from of womanhood, that don't pull me closer to God or that just are plain ass STUPID. I am a 1/2 white and 1/2 hispanic, short, brown haired and brown eyed girl {insert theme song} and there is nothing I can do about that. I had no CHOICE to how I was born, but God did. I CHOSE to a single mother, I CHOSE to make less money so that I can be with my kids daily, I CHOSE to not exercise last night, and I CHOOSE to be a blogger. All great choices in my opinion, but there are people out there that CHOOSE to to put their careers before their family, to workout daily instead of doing something else, to live their lives the way they want to live them. Who am I to say my CHOICES are better than theirs?
Yes, many people will say being Gay is a CHOICE but others say it was how they were born. Here's what I have to say about it: One - I have no idea, I am not the creator of the world. Two - I am not Gay and don't know what that feels like to either make that CHOICE or be born that way. Three - so what? CHOICE or not...they are who they are and just because they are different than you or I, does not mean I should treat them differently.
"We love because he first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister."
Let's love not hate on each other. Unconditional love, does not mean you agree with every decision someone makes, it means that you love in spite of your differences. You are still entitled to your opinions, belief and faith, but you are not entitled to spread hate. I love you even if I don't always agree with you or vice versa.
Today, June 26th 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States of America says that same-sex marriage are to be recognized and performed in all 50 states. Many people feel that this is a strike against the church and that we must fight harder that God would be so ashamed of this ruling. I've even ran across a few articles claiming to know how Jesus would respond to the news of the day. I for one, will not now or ever pretend to know how Jesus would respond or what he's say. I am not Jesus and not even slightly worthy of his love and grace, but gladly accept it.
Here is how I see it (agree with me or not), whether you are one side one or the other, you still actually have a CHOICE. A CHOICE to not condemn those who don't think, act, believe or even love the way you do. A CHOICE to still love God with all your heart and soul and believe the way you have always believed. Though you also have a CHOICE to show your beliefs in a loving or a hateful way. You not only have a CHOICE but the freedom to love, live and breath the way you want to. You don't have to love or even like the decisions other make for themselves, because you don't live their lives. Your beliefs are still valid. The Bible hasn't become worthless because of the ruling. You can still raise your children the way you want to. But you also have a CHOICE to raise someone who loves at all times or someone that only loves those that are just like them. Unconditional love, does not mean you agree with every decision someone makes, it means that you love in spite of your differences. Maybe I am wrong, but hey I won't know until I walk up to those pearly gates and answer for all the really stupid, awful and ungodly things I've done.
As I sit here a write this post I have many different emotions swirling around my head. I am a follower of Christ and I believe he has given us a law to follow and I will teach my children to follow it. However, I AM AND ALWAYS WILL BE A SINNER. Almost daily I make CHOICES that don't always promote the highest from of womanhood, that don't pull me closer to God or that just are plain ass STUPID. I am a 1/2 white and 1/2 hispanic, short, brown haired and brown eyed girl {insert theme song} and there is nothing I can do about that. I had no CHOICE to how I was born, but God did. I CHOSE to a single mother, I CHOSE to make less money so that I can be with my kids daily, I CHOSE to not exercise last night, and I CHOOSE to be a blogger. All great choices in my opinion, but there are people out there that CHOOSE to to put their careers before their family, to workout daily instead of doing something else, to live their lives the way they want to live them. Who am I to say my CHOICES are better than theirs?
Yes, many people will say being Gay is a CHOICE but others say it was how they were born. Here's what I have to say about it: One - I have no idea, I am not the creator of the world. Two - I am not Gay and don't know what that feels like to either make that CHOICE or be born that way. Three - so what? CHOICE or not...they are who they are and just because they are different than you or I, does not mean I should treat them differently.
"We love because he first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister."
Let's love not hate on each other. Unconditional love, does not mean you agree with every decision someone makes, it means that you love in spite of your differences. You are still entitled to your opinions, belief and faith, but you are not entitled to spread hate. I love you even if I don't always agree with you or vice versa.
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