I can't say it...

so I will type it, I may be too old to play tournament soccer. LOL Ok if the big world of things I am feeling pretty good. BUT ever since that freight train of a girl ran me over twice on the first game Sunday morning, I have not been the same. Though I stuck it out to the bitter end, Golden Goal OT in the finals.

Today: I feel like I am 100 years old and that my knee could go at any point. Of course I am exaggerating how else am I supposed to get your sympathy. :-)


Though I was not the only one hit by a train that weekend. My dearly loved T-Bone was kicked in the baby-making area, bruised on both hips and found a random bruise on her big toe.

My Jo - who ships her dog's sperm to the UK (that is a whole other story) has a great bruise on her face and was side swiped by a chick that landed her on her stomach.

The Goalie - has a bruise on her ribs

Why do we keep doing this to ourselves? BECAUSE SOCCER ROCKS AND SO DO WE!

Way to go Westside WM


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