A miracle and a love. Haley came into this world in chaos. Stacy was waiting at the hospital to be admitted but they said she was not progressing quick enough. Stacy knew there was something wrong but no one believed her. Then it happened. Her placenta ruptured and she started to bleed out. Haley ended up landing in her stomach cavity and was without oxygen for a while. Once she was delivered, both she and Stacy flat-lined. The doctors revived both and then rushed Haley to Duke Children Hospital. At this time the doctors told her father that she would most likely not survive the flight and he should say good bye. 4 1/2 years later this miracle baby is still fighting every day but you'd never know it. She is the happiest, silliest and smartest 4 1/2 year old around. Yes, I am bias.
Year 1-2 Hospital over and over again for long periods of time. Can't swallow on her own because her throat not fully matured so she got a g-tube. Normal illnesses put her in the hospital. -
Doctors never gave her much hope.
Year 3 She grows bigger and stronger and finally hits 30lbs. She is walking, talking, singing, running, dancing, and programming DS game boxes and iPads. She is winning the hearts of everyone she meets. Still feeding with a g-tube but able to swallow and eat normally, just needs therapy.
Year 3 1/2 she has Achilles Tendon Lengthening surgery in February. Taking meds through her mouth. March she has spine surgery to hopefully stop her brain stem and spine from fusing. IF it works she will not have to move forward with the scheduled brain surgery.
Diagnosis: Hypotonic Cerebral Palsy
Unlike with other types of CP, you will notice that your baby has muscle control problems early in life. Her head seems floppy, and she will not be able to control it when sitting up. Her motor skills will be developmentally delayed.
It is suspected that this type of Cerebral Palsy is caused by brain damage or malformations that occur while a baby’s brain is still developing. (hence the surgeries)
Can a Newborn Actually Have a Stroke?
When you hear the term “stroke,” you probably envision an elderly person who collapses on the floor. Then, for the rest of his life, he slurs his words and battles various physical challenges. So, it might surprise you to hear that newborns can experience strokes too. Babies are in fact at risk of suffering from a stroke, both inside and outside the womb. The causes vary from birth to birth.
For example, if your baby had a stroke within the womb, it may have been caused by a blood clot in your placenta that blocked the flow of blood. This is just one cause of stroke in babies. Other risk factors that can lead to your baby suffering from a stroke:
You had a blood clotting disorder.
Your baby had an interruption is arterial blood flow to his brain.
You had preeclampsia/hypertension (high blood pressure that wasn’t dealt with).
You had to have an emergency cesarean.
Your second stage of labor was prolonged.
You had a vacuum extraction.
Your baby had heart anomalies.
You experienced inflammation of the placenta.
You had umbilical cord abnormalities.
You had a pelvic inflammatory infection.
It’s hard to imagine that your perfect looking new baby could have something wrong inside her tiny head. But bleeding in the brain does happen. And its effects can be devastating.
Why would your baby’s brain bleed?
She might have broken blood vessels, clogged blood vessels, or abnormal blood cells. If she bleeds because of blocked blood vessels, this is intracranial hemorrhage.
Any amount of blood on the brain is serious. So are the potential consequences. Cerebral palsy is one possible outcome.
When Your Baby Suffers a Lack of Oxygen at Birth (Asphyxia)
Your baby is an amazing feat of nature he is born with the ability to endure a short period of low oxygen levels. But when that window closes, and he is still short of oxygen, life can go from wonderful to tragic in just a few breaths.
The risk of an oxygen shortage or “asphyxia” increases if your labor and delivery take too long and your baby becomes stressed. The lack of oxygen destroys the delicate tissue in the cerebral motor cortex of his brain.
Lack of oxygen to the baby can also occur if you had:
Low blood pressure.
A ruptured uterus.
A detached placenta.
Or problems with the umbilical cord.
This is the information I got from Stacy a few years ago.
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