
This morning I woke up to a lot of people with the Facebook status of #MeToo.  I didn't get it at first, until I started reading more into it.  Sometime Hollywood can do something good.  Actress Alyssa Milano, known for her roles in "Who's the Boss", "Charmed" has started a twitter trend.  She is asking that "If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote 'Me too' as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem."  I bet if you log on to your social media account right now you will be saddened.  Many of your friends will have this on their status.  BUT it's not just women, some of my male friends have also had this happened. 

I am so disheartened by what I see. #MeToo is everywhere.  No more laughing it off as nothing.  No more feeling to blame for it.  I will teach my daughter to stand up, speak up and not stand by.  I will teach my son that women are equal to men and they deserve the same treatment as men.  That he is to respect, cherish and never objectify, harass or take advantage of women and to never stand by and watch someone else do it either.  

#MeToo is hard to type, because honestly I have no desire to talk about the numerous times I just laughed it off or simply walked away feeling like it was probably something I said or did.  BUT no matter what you say, what you wear or who you are... there is no reason that anyone should harass, abuse or assult you.  This goes for strangers AND family, sadly. Speak up....you can be the change. 

Why is this happening, in my opinion it is simply that there is free will in this world and some people just think they are above everyone else.  There are people who are very sick in the head.  People who need to feel powerful by stripping the power from someone else.  There are people who believe they can use their power to get anything they want.  Simply put - humans rarely treat others as they desire to be treated.  (Matthew 7:12)

Be the factor of change.  Don't stay quiet.  Don't turn your head from it.  Be a shoulder for someone to cry on.  Be an ear for someone to talk to.  Be the ONE person that says, that's not right let's do something about this.  Be the strength for someone that can't be strong.

Can't do it alone, I'll be your rock.


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