Fiji - a day by day summarization (I'll try not to ramble on) - Day 1

BULA Everyone!  Bula is how the Fijians say hello.  Actually Bula is like Aloha, it means a million things.  Below you will find a daily "summary" of our travel to Fiji. 

October 2nd - Snack on the plane is gluten free (GF) but ICE COLD.  I tried to sleep but no such luck really.  I watched 97% of Transformers 3...of course they turned it off right before the big scene.  Breakfast GF and also nasty.  We land and yippee there is my 45 minutes later no such luck for E and S. After filing a lost luggage complaint, we met up with our driver Hussein for our 1 1/2hr drive to the De Vos Residence.  While on the ride home our driver got pulled over by the police and all I could think of was this is where they check out what we brought, steal it and kill he just got a ticket for dark tint on the windows.  Since the ladies did not have any luggage we went clothes shopping in the local village store.  Let's just say it's a good thing my clothes came...we would never have found a bathing suit to fit me ;-)  But I did get hit on by a local, invited me to do Kava with him. So kava is the local "drink" though drink is really being generous (see day 2).  Our driver said one makes your tongue numb, two relieves your stress, three makes your body numb, four puts you on Fiji time, five make you walk backwards and six....he can't tell us.  Essentially it is a drug.  We checked in, changed to our bathing suits and took a walk on the beach to the local resort for ice cream.  Then hitched a ride (because that is what they do around there) to Sigatoka the major town near buy to shop for snacks and fresh fruit and veggies. Made our own dinner, drinks and then bedtime...with the Geckos.

On the drive I learned: there are 2 McDonalds on the island, men wear skirts, crops are sugar cane, tapioca, Kava and other stuff, Frangipani grow every where in 3 different colors, each school has it's own uniform color, there are 1 million people in Fiji, there is no time in Fiji, there are no snakes because there are so many mongooses and animals roam free all over (cows, horses, dogs, pigs, goats and chickens).


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