Consider this me shouting from a roof top...
Even when things are not going the way you want them just never stop praying. It may not seem like God is listening but he is. It may not seem he is answering you but he is, even in silence he is answering your prayers. Keep reading if you want to see how GREAT God is and how the power of prayer and faith work wonders.Friday was a very crazy and emotional day. For many hours on Friday we were worried about the well being of my nieces. It seemed they had been abducted by their Father with the attempt to take custody of them away from my sister. We worried that we'd not see them anymore. We worried that this news would harm my sister's already failing health. So I put out a prayer request on Facebook hoping that God would hear all our prayers and bring them back safe and sound.
RESULT - They are home, safe, happy and ready for a visit from their Aunt.
Friday at 8:20pm on the platform of the Imperial/Wilmington green line station, I became the victim of a crime. A 16-18 year old African American Boy with dark hoodie, black pants and tennis shoes, about 150 lbs and a bit taller than 5'4" grabbed my iPad from me and took off running. No not a single person stopped him, and yes I dropped my stuff and took off after him. No that wasn't smart. I mean someone just stole my iPad and I just drop my purse on the platform to take off after him, sort of inviting someone to steal that too. Luckily a very nice Hispanic man picked up my purse and the Mifi device that fell out. Not only does it suck to be out the money of the iPad but I was typing up a very long list of notes for the case I talked about above and lost those too. No I did not have the find me on the iPad and no I did not have the cloud turned on to share files, notes or anything. Yes, I was a mess of tears and fears. (HAHAHAHA remember that band?) So I just prayed that I could rewrite those notes while they were in my head and prayed for the boy who took the iPad.
RESULT - Somehow when I restarted my cell phone email (had to re-due because I changed all my passwords) a new folder was in with my other email folders. It was called "Notes" and miraculously it was all of the notes that were on the iPad. Again remember I do not sync nor have any type of cloud turned on for these devices.
Yesterday (3 days after the robbery) I realized that my personal thumb drive with pretty much my life in files: budget, resume, website files, pictures, etc. was gone. Before I left work on Friday I put it in my purse, OF COURSE not where I usually put it (the zippered pocket) but just on the side. So when I dropped my purse on Friday to run after the hoodlum it must have fallen out. Finding this out was like pouring salt on my wounds. My personal information out there for anyone to see, use against me. It made my stomach sick to think of. Just kept feeling awful, but praying it would be found like under my bed or in my backpack or somewhere in the house. No such luck. I prayed and prayed and so did others. This morning I tell my friend to humor me and just walk back with me to where it all happened maybe it fell on the stairs and no one saw it. Maybe it is stuck in a crack somewhere. Maybe it was on the tracks...that one was really eating at me. My heart kept saying yes it is on the tracks but my mind and my friend were saying there is just no way.
RESULT - 4 days after all the mess, we go back to the scene of the crime and I SWEAR there it is next to the tracks below the platform with the Los Angeles Times logo looking up at me. I was like a child jumping all around. Then I just stood there and thanked God over and over again.
Of course anyone can say these are all just coincidences but I truly believe that God answers prayers. That it may not been in the time, way or anything that you think it should be but HE DOES IT. I may never see my iPad again which is fine because that is replaceable but the Kids, my life and all the personal document are not.
You may be pushed down, let down and feel like your life is a mess...BUT if you hold tight to your faith miracles can and will happen. Don't be afraid to ask for prayer from your friend and family. The Bible says "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20
Pray, Pray, Pray and believe in your heart that all things work for the good of Gods people.
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