
Showing posts from January, 2013

Let's talk about boobs

I knew that would get your attention. Ok guys you can ignore this post if you'd like. I recently found time to read through my magazines and ran across a very interesting set of articles about, you guessed it BOOBS. Health magazine May 2012 is my reference in case you want to fact check me or read this on your own. There is some good stuff here but I will make you wait for it. Here is what I learned: 1. Boobs are made up of 6 parts 2. 1/3 of your breast if fat. Fat has some give to it that is why we bounce. 3. There are 8 openings on your nipple for milk to come out. (I had no idea lol) 4. The change in the average size of the American Breast over the past generation is from 34b to 36c 5. No amount of exercise will reverse sagging, but you can exercise to yank the ligaments up. 6. Cup sizes were created in 1932 7. You should get bra fitted once a year 8. You should have at least 3 bras and NEVER WEAR THEM TWO DAYS IN A the Lycra has time to retract to its origi...

Happy Birthday Honey!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Wow, I can't believe we've been together this long. I was worried about my ability for long term relationships, but this one has lasted 38 years and counting. Yes we've been through so much. The pain and suffering you've endured caused by me is incredible. You've almost lost limbs, eyes, ears and gosh so much more and you have stayed with me any way. You comforted me in times of need and you've let me cry on your shoulder. I've seen you change so much over the years, from a baby to very large toddler size person. You've laughed when I tickled you, you've danced and even done somersaults. Though you've been so many things over the years, you've never changed your style. You rock stripes like it is nobody's business. Some say that you and Bert are more than just friends and well I accept that too. My dear Ernie, I hope you have a great day down there on Sesame Street. Say hello to Snuffy, Oscar and th...

Not chicken anymore...

Today I conquered a very big "fear" I guess you could call it. I like to stock up on meats when they get to a certain price that I have of course researched. Well today there was a good deal on bone in chicken thighs and split breasts. Sounds good to you I am sure. BUT if you know me you know that I don't do bone in meats. Not only was it sort of a miracle that I purchased this type of chicken but yours truly skinned and deboned them! Oh yeah I made my own boneless chicken breasts. Ok next step conquer the actually cutting up a whole chicken into pieces so that I can order my meat like my veggies from local ranchers/farmers. This seems like a big step so I am sure it will take sometime. Heck it took 30+ years to get this far.

Things this cat would say

Damn that was some bomb ass catnip! Hey, hey, hey you got any catnip? psst psst do you know where she hides it? Stop the spinning please I could cut you! I left a present for you, can't wait until you find it You're going to wear that? Sure you'll feed me later. Don't worry I'll remind you by sitting on your face while you are trying to sleep. I'll show you! Take a look at your couches? I'm going to make that Chihuahua my beeatch! Feel free so submit your own. I heart this cat (but Nacho is cooler)

PSA - for pot smokers

Attention pot smokers you are only fooling yourself that no one knows you just smoked out. 1. When you spray cologne or body spray you just smell like a flowery skunk. 2. The Visine you are putting in your eyes may take out the redness but won't hide the glossiness and you still smell like a skunk. 3. Coming onto a crowded train smelling like that is just gross. There are no open windows so it smells like...yep a skunk. We now return to your normal after smoke snack.

Seriously Blueline...get it together

After finally getting my act together and making it to the Greenline on time what do I hear...attention Greenline passengers the Blueline is experiencing delays in service. Yeah!!! So fun. I get to the Blueline station 25 -30 minutes later, wait 5-10 minutes for the train. Happily it is not crowded, sigh of relief. We take off and of course 3 stations later we sit at the Firestone station and they come over the loud speaker that the train I am sitting on is going back to Long Beach so GET OFF! "Attention blueline passengers the train on the Los Angeles side of the track is heading back to Long Beach. We are operating at approximately 30 minutes in delays. The next train to Los Angeles will be here in 10 minutes". Which of course means that it and the trains after that will be packed beyond belief. What do you do when the train could be 30 mins late? Yep, figure out how to walk the rest of the way to work. Heck I can see the buildings how far can it be? Yes, I am ...

The Letter Writer

So today I turned on Netflix just to have a movie playing in the background while I was cleaning my room. I happened upon the movie called "The Letter Writer". It looked decent so I flipped it on. I started to head back to my room and grab things and continued on like this for about 30 minutes or so, sitting down on the couch for like 5 minutes at a time. Then Bam it hit me. The movie drew me in. I found myself not leaving the couch at all. Not only was I watching the movie I was not cleaning at all. The movie has such a sweet message and I was taken by surprise on how much it hit me. I had tears streaming down my face many times. It really is heart warming, encouraging and a great message for all to hear. Don't be surprised if one day you get a random letter from someone telling you how great you are and encouraging you to keep going. Because you are great and all those hills and mountains you will climb and those valleys you will go through will make you the...

A trip and a 5k a month?

Can it be done? Of course it can...I already know I can run a 5k so I just have to get off my butt and do it. As for the travel well January and February are booked. April, June, July and August are close behind. So 6 out of 12 is not too shabby for it only being January 9th - half way there. So where should I go? Any suggestion?

Maternity hotels and fate?

Today I read a story on the LA Now blogs that stated that there are "hotels" Being setup to house non-American women who are pregnant. They come over on tourist visas and stay to have their babies. These women pay about $20,000 dollars to stay in these places so that their babies can be American citizens. Then pay more money to stay there while they wait for the babies passport to be ready. These children then go back to their country and can come back here because the U.S. citizenship will allow them (if they choose) to return to the U.S. to take advantage of free public schools and low-interest student loans. Parents may also be able to piggyback on the child's status and apply for a green card when the child turns 21. This is just crazy to me and sort of doesn't seem right...BUT listen to this "For some, giving birth in the U.S. staves off hefty fines under China's one-child policy." How much is the fine for having more than one child, if it cos...

New Years Resolutions

I've always wondered why people make resolutions. The statistics on resolutions are horrible. No more than 8% of these resolutions are kept. Sometimes people keep them for a whole week. Lol. Some even keep them for a month or two but then life just gets in the way. According to Resolution maintained through first week 75% Past two weeks 71% Past one month 64% Past six months 46% With these odds who the heck wants to make resolutions? But still about 1/2 of American make them every year and fail. Funny thing is the statistic show that is really doesn't matter how old or young you are, you still don't keep them. Though if you are younger then you have a bit more of a chance. Percent of people in their twenties who achieve their resolution each year 39% Percent of people over 50 who achieve their resolution each year 14% So what resolutions did you make? Here were some of the top ones from last year (and my commentary of course) 1 Lose Wei...