A trip and a 5k a month?

Can it be done? Of course it can...I already know I can run a 5k so I just have to get off my butt and do it. As for the travel well January and February are booked. April, June, July and August are close behind. So 6 out of 12 is not too shabby for it only being January 9th - half way there.

So where should I go? Any suggestion?


  1. What states are you going too?

  2. Hello Anonymous,

    Right now it is Arizona, North Carolina and Massachusetts (Padres vs Red Sox)

    If have my way on a certain subject - June will be back and forth trip to NC and all around CA/AZ visiting family from June - August. Of course other states/countries are also sounding good. Just depends on life. :-)

  3. Are you trying to run a 5K as part of the trip? Or trying to run in every state?
    Stacy Dominguez

  4. Hi,

    Not necessarily but if I can fit one it that is great. We are trying to go to states we've never been too and working in seeing the kids too.


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