The Letter Writer

So today I turned on Netflix just to have a movie playing in the background while I was cleaning my room. I happened upon the movie called "The Letter Writer". It looked decent so I flipped it on. I started to head back to my room and grab things and continued on like this for about 30 minutes or so, sitting down on the couch for like 5 minutes at a time. Then Bam it hit me. The movie drew me in. I found myself not leaving the couch at all. Not only was I watching the movie I was not cleaning at all. The movie has such a sweet message and I was taken by surprise on how much it hit me. I had tears streaming down my face many times. It really is heart warming, encouraging and a great message for all to hear.

Don't be surprised if one day you get a random letter from someone telling you how great you are and encouraging you to keep going. Because you are great and all those hills and mountains you will climb and those valleys you will go through will make you the best you that you can be.

Spread love to those you know and don't know. Find your talent and share it.


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