Let's talk about boobs

I knew that would get your attention. Ok guys you can ignore this post if you'd like. I recently found time to read through my magazines and ran across a very interesting set of articles about, you guessed it BOOBS. Health magazine May 2012 is my reference in case you want to fact check me or read this on your own.

There is some good stuff here but I will make you wait for it.

Here is what I learned:
1. Boobs are made up of 6 parts
2. 1/3 of your breast if fat. Fat has some give to it that is why we bounce.
3. There are 8 openings on your nipple for milk to come out. (I had no idea lol)
4. The change in the average size of the American Breast over the past generation is from 34b to 36c
5. No amount of exercise will reverse sagging, but you can exercise to yank the ligaments up.
6. Cup sizes were created in 1932
7. You should get bra fitted once a year
8. You should have at least 3 bras and NEVER WEAR THEM TWO DAYS IN A ROW...so the Lycra has time to retract to its original position after worn.

Let me stop here, who the heck knew that? Very interesting to me. I have one bra I love and wear it lots. Hmm guess I need to get another one of those.

Ok back to the count down...

9. Hey busty ladies- we should AVOID minimizer bras. They compress breast tissue which results in loss of firmness.

The most surprising thing for me is this

10. When you buy a bra it should feel tight and you should only be able to fasten it on the loosest hook. Because as it stretches from wear then you'll move to the next hooks.

Why hasn't anyone told me this before??? I've wasted a lot of good bras I guess. Well if I would have kept up with my magazines I guess I could have known sooner. Lol.

Why post about this? Because ladies you only have one set of boobies and be them the size of Tittles (my nieces word for tiny tits) or be them the size on whole non-seedless watermelons (you know the oblong ones) you should be nice to them and care for them before you have to pick them up off the ground and shove them on a bra every morning.



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