Seriously Blueline...get it together

After finally getting my act together and making it to the Greenline on time what do I hear...attention Greenline passengers the Blueline is experiencing delays in service. Yeah!!! So fun.

I get to the Blueline station 25 -30 minutes later, wait 5-10 minutes for the train. Happily it is not crowded, sigh of relief. We take off and of course 3 stations later we sit at the Firestone station and they come over the loud speaker that the train I am sitting on is going back to Long Beach so GET OFF! "Attention blueline passengers the train on the Los Angeles side of the track is heading back to Long Beach. We are operating at approximately 30 minutes in delays. The next train to Los Angeles will be here in 10 minutes". Which of course means that it and the trains after that will be packed beyond belief.

What do you do when the train could be 30 mins late? Yep, figure out how to walk the rest of the way to work. Heck I can see the buildings how far can it be? Yes, I am the impatient and I didn't want to have 20 other people's bodies leaning on me. So I begin to walk, got 2.8 miles before I decided to catch a bus. Yes, I came to my senses. However, here is the problem it says 55 to downtown LA, but what does that really mean. I keep trying to find the map of the route. It is now 9:20am and I still see the buildings but really don't know how much closer if am.

Then woo hoo I see the second to last Blueline station before we head down under ground, but do I really want to take a chance? Nope, keep going on this adventure. Look we are now on Main Street. I know Main Street! So I get off at 6th and Main st and walk another mile to work.

It is now 9:55...wasn't that fun. On a happy note, I am beating Chad by 1000 steps on our Fitbit one trackers. Oh yeah!!


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