Happy Birthday Honey!


Wow, I can't believe we've been together this long. I was worried about my ability for long term relationships, but this one has lasted 38 years and counting. Yes we've been through so much. The pain and suffering you've endured caused by me is incredible.

You've almost lost limbs, eyes, ears and gosh so much more and you have stayed with me any way. You comforted me in times of need and you've let me cry on your shoulder. I've seen you change so much over the years, from a baby to very large toddler size person. You've laughed when I tickled you, you've danced and even done somersaults. Though you've been so many things over the years, you've never changed your style. You rock stripes like it is nobody's business.

Some say that you and Bert are more than just friends and well I accept that too.

My dear Ernie, I hope you have a great day down there on Sesame Street. Say hello to Snuffy, Oscar and the Tweedlebugs.

I'd add a picture collage of our relationship if i could just find the pictures. LOL


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