New Years Resolutions

I've always wondered why people make resolutions. The statistics on resolutions are horrible. No more than 8% of these resolutions are kept. Sometimes people keep them for a whole week. Lol. Some even keep them for a month or two but then life just gets in the way.

According to

Resolution maintained through first week 75%
Past two weeks 71%
Past one month 64%
Past six months 46%

With these odds who the heck wants to make resolutions? But still about 1/2 of American make them every year and fail. Funny thing is the statistic show that is really doesn't matter how old or young you are, you still don't keep them. Though if you are younger then you have a bit more of a chance.

Percent of people in their twenties who achieve their resolution each year 39%
Percent of people over 50 who achieve their resolution each year 14%

So what resolutions did you make? Here were some of the top ones from last year (and my commentary of course)

1 Lose Weight - yeah that is a no brainer everyone makes that one
2 Getting Organized - where is the fun in that?
3 Spend Less, Save More - um duh...doesn't happen automatically?
4 Enjoy Life to the Fullest - YES YOU SHOULD!
5 Staying Fit and Healthy - ok People you should not make that a resolution but a way of life.
6 Learn Something Exciting - like that people don't keep resolutions?
7 Quit Smoking - if this is you...I pray you are the rare person that keeps this resolution
8 Help Others in Their Dreams - I hope I can do this a lot this year
9 Fall in Love - REALLY??? People make this a resolution? LAME
10 Spend More Time with Family - how is this number 10 on the list? it should be number one and I should Not have to be a resolution but a total way of living.

Well no matter what your resolution was for 2013 I hope you live a happy, healthy and amazing 2013. Just like the books says "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"


  1. Day 1 # 7 on your list ,encourgement is needed, I started on the 2nd, as a life change not a statistic, phase 1 of 3 this year. Brent, and the boys have been amazing, God has helped me all day, I have kicked many other addictions, so I know how this works, pray, pray, pray, hug your family, and crawl under the blanket until the urge passes. Wish me strength.

  2. I will keep you on my prayer list. I know and believe you can do this. Just takes one day at a time. Reward yourself with chocolate or what ever you like every week. When you hit a month and you will...reward yourself bigger. Keep going as the year progresses. Feel free to stop back by and sing the praises of your success. p.s. what is your name so I can pray for you by name. :-)


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