
In July of 2012 - my sister and husband entrusted me with the lives of their 3 children.  Though it did not work out that way in the end, it is still incredible to me that someone believed in me that much.  This last year has taught me that without God in our lives we would be lost.  That my sister knew that it wasn't just trust she had for me, it was faith in me and in what God was telling her.  Who am I to second guess that?   Though being a single mom can be trying at times, lonely or is the most rewarding and only worth while thing I have done with my life.

I'm not looking for praise and recognition from the world my peers or anyone.  I am doing what I know God put me on earth to do.  Raise this little soul to love God, her family and to treat everyone with respect.  To show her that life isn't always what we planned or wanted, but we can overcome anything with him by our side.  That loss is hard but not impossible to get past.  People say I have helped her, that she has changed so much...but it is the other way around.  She has helped me.  She has changed me and I am a better person from it.  

It's said that middle children crave attention. That we need to be in the spotlight. So how do two middle children make that work? Easy, you melt into the background and let the little light shine, because that is what motherhood is about.  Helping your child to shine in everything you do.  Though I can't take credit for that incredible smile...that is all Stacy.


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