
Showing posts from 2015



The North Pole or The Manger?

I just love this post, so much I wanted to share with you all- post from Faithgateway .  Some call him Sinterklaas. Others Pere Noel or Papa Noel. He’s been known as Hoteiosho, Sonnerklaas, Father Christmas, Jelly Belly, and to most English speakers, Santa Claus. His original name was Nicholas, which means victorious. He was born in AD 280 in what is now Turkey. He was orphaned at age nine when his parents died of a plague. Though many would think Santa majored in toy making and minored in marketing, actually the original Nicholas studied Greek philosophy and Christian doctrine. He was honored by the Catholic church by being named Bishop of Myra in the early fourth century. He held the post until his death on December 6, 343. History recognized him as a saint, but in the third century he was a bit of a troublemaker. He was twice jailed, once by the Emperor Diocletian for religious reasons, the other for slugging a fellow b...

He's always there

At the day, I am reflecting on how often we don't see God in our lives but he's always there and has been. As I currently find myself the mother of two ADHD kids,  I look back and NOW see clearly why things have happened as they did.  If I never left advertising for teaching, I would have some of the knowledge I have on ADHD, Autism or Learning Disabilities.  I wanted to help families become advocates for their kids. To help them find better ways to relate, teach and understand how differently their child's brain works.  Now I am that parent struggling to give their child the best foundation they can without giving them the negative repetitive voices in their heads saying they are just bad, always make bad decisions, needs to control themselves. I opened a box of books today and there on top was a college text book on ADHD.  God, I love how you weave the web of my life together daily. 

Why me?

Today my bible study was about worrying.  Few of us worry a little but many of us worry Daily, hourly even by the minute.  But why? What will it help?  Does it makes us feel better?  Can we stop?  I'm not saying that the following will help you stop worrying, but maybe as you start to worry you'll hear these words In your head and worry less .  Four Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Worry Worry is essentially a control issue. It’s trying to control the uncontrollable. We can’t control the economy, so we worry about the economy. We can’t control our children, so we worry about our children. We can’t control the future, so we worry about the future. But worry never solves anything! It’s stewing without doing. Jesus actually gives four reasons you don’t need to worry in his Sermon on the Mount. 1. Worry is unreasonable.  Matthew 6:25 says, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life mor...

Teens, let's get real

In the world that we live in today, we are exposed to so many messages that do not build us up, that do not promote a positive self image, and that do not inspire greatness. As a mom/parent, we struggle daily to bring ours kids up with manners, morals, self respect, faith, and with the belief that hard work pays off.  We give lectures, nag, and have conversations with them, but they don't seem to listen.  We need to lead by example and they will see and listen. Maybe not today, but in the future.  But we are not our kids only teachers.  They have school teachers, church Pastors, other adults, life lessons and sadly the media.  No matter how much we don't like it, media is here to stay and it is powerful!  The only thing you can do it try to use it to our benefit and have it help us teach life lessons.  Though there are TONS of shameful, negative and just plain scary stuff in the media there are some shining stars too.  I mean when was the last...

I know you "mean" well, but...

So a couple of days ago ( I had to cool down before I posted)  this image and the following story.  Why?  Because I felt that it spoke to me.  Living in the world we live in today we are inundated with pictures of extremely skinny women and we are told that they are not only "healthy" but "beautiful." Which could cause a not extremely skinny or even a skinny person to feel bad about how they look.  More on that after you read this the facebook message I posted.  Please note: This is not my pic or me and these are not my words A while back, at the entrance of a gym, there was a picture of a very thin and beautiful woman. The caption was "This summer, do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?"  The story goes, a woman (of clothing size unknown) answered the following way:  "Dear people, whales are always surrounded by friends (dolphins, seals, curious humans), they are sexually active and raise their children with great tenderness.   The...


The funny thing about "CHOICES" is we all think that we are FREE to make them. However, once you've made a choice you open yourself up to many things.  Consequences, judgment, gossip and a host a may other non positive things.  Yes, your CHOICES can also bring benefits, praise, happiness and a whole slue of other positive things.  Either way CHOICES don't come totally free. Today, June 26th 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States of America says that same-sex marriage are to be recognized and performed in all 50 states.  Many people feel that this is a strike against the church and that we must fight harder that God would be so ashamed of this ruling.  I've even ran across a few articles claiming to know how Jesus would respond to the news of the day.  I for one,  will not now or ever pretend to know how Jesus would respond or what he's say.  I am not Jesus and not even slightly worthy of his love and grace, but g...

FREE Child Safety and Fingerprinting event - Tomorrow 6/23/15 in Manhattan Beach

Farmer's Market 13th Street and Morningside Drive Manhattan Beach , California 90266

Father's Day to the men in my life

I'm alive because these two great men fall in love with two great women.  Both men from two very different backgrounds.  Ray from a fatherless home with a extremely hard working, straight line keeping mom.  Humberto from a high class family in Cuba, whose best friend let's just say climbed to a high place that my grandpa refused to help or be part of.  One served in the Navy, one worked hard to start his life after military school on the USA.  Both men with equally hard challenges some that same and some different.  What they do have in common is that they both raise families of 4 children.  Both worked hard, played hard and loved with all their hearts, even if it looked different coming from either one.  Both men were strong, courageous, loving and faithful.  From these two great men came these 4 great men:  Each of these men have also lived very different lives, even if they came from the same houses. All have seen their struggles, had...

Read and be unlightened

The other day I overheard this lady talking and as I listened I couldn't help but think man she is Ambitchous.  She was acting like she wasn't an Errorist, like she was perfect but I just wanted to say please chill mrs Youniverse. On side note I have I meet many Askholes in my life! Many who are also cellfish, and masters of nonversation.  Here is a little about me. Did you know I am great at masterdating, would be a dopplebanger and have engaged in beerboarding. I can't stand putting clothes away so I have a chairdrobe.  When I like someone I usually feel textpectation. As I get older I sadly experience destinesia almost daily.  I also get annoyed when I see a chiptease!  My child in the other hand is a pro afterclapper who suffers from carcolepsy.   She can us an eglaf and can nerdjack better than anyone I know. Oh and yesterday she had a juggersnot!  Ok good night all. I'm so tired I am getting unkeyboardinated and it is time to ...

I'm hungry again???

My favorite fibers Lately I have been getting up in the morning and making myself either a smoothie or a cup of iced coffee. This is my feeble attempt to have breakfast.  Some of the recipes the  NutriBullet iPhone app  provides do have Chia - a good alternative to meat protein and I add Flax seed for the fiber - it isn't enough to keep me full.  As I started to think about my morning options I realized that I might need to be a bit more opened minded and well honestly wake up a bit earlier to be sure I start my day out a lot better. In coming to this realization, I also ran across and article about 7 high protein foods which referenced and article about 10 meatless high protein foods .  This isn't the first time I've had this hungry issue or even the first time I found out about these foods.  But no matter how many times I read this, I ultimately forget it about a month or two later.  Does this happen to you?  Do you read something star...

Let's be real....Entitlement (a personal opinion)

Entitlement: the fact of having a right to something Right:  a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral Claim:  a demand for something as due; an assertion of a right or an alleged right The definitions just keep going around and around, but the FACT is that there is little in life that we are entitled to.  I love how a fellow blogger put it ('t-owe-your-child/ ) " You don’t have to feel guilty for being the parent that says no. There are many things in life that we DO “owe” our children.  As parents, we owe them our unconditional love, respect, and endless forgiveness. They deserve a place to call home, food to keep them healthy, and an education that will help them later in life... We do not need to feel guilty saying, “NO” to our children! In fact, I’m thankful to parents who say no to their children. Sometimes the best way to love your child is to say no!" I love how she p...

The history of Cinco De Mayo (#makinghistoryawesome)

It was a cold Tuesday morning in Hawthorne, California about 15 minutes before the bell was schedule to ring when the family parked their car out in front of the school.   The daughter smiled and said "Mom tell me a story."   "What type of story?" asked the mom.   "With a unicorn!" exclaimed the daughter. Since it was May 5 - Cinco De  Mayo and the family was partly of Mexican decent and the mother was such a quick thinker (shameless plug for my awesomeness) she pulled together the following story. "OK, how about a history lesson?  Once upon a time (come on all children’s stories start like that, it makes them listen better) there was a Unicorn named Pepe (how do you know Unicorns don’t exist?)  Pepe gathered together all of his family and friends: Manuel, Jesus, Lupita, Maria,  Salvador, Cesar and Nacho (what? I was at a loss for Hispanic names this morning) and he told them that today (May 5, 1862) was the day that they would help...

When your nurture is taken over by your nature...sadly

Recently I attended a Foster/Adopt conference and I came home with so many great nuggets of information.  I did not attend because I am thinking about foster/adopting a child (at this point in my life) but because my kids are not my own and they do come from a background like most foster/adopted kids.  They have seen death.  They have witnessed (possibly experienced) emotional and physical abuse.  They have been ripped apart as family and sent to three different homes (there are three kids, I only have two) not of which were with people they really knew, trusted or had a relationship with.  So with the knowledge of that I have been suggested to treat them like foster/adopted kids.  I have heard that a lot over the last 2 years but never really understood until I went to this conference. IT WAS EXTREMELY EYE OPENING.  I won’t touch on all the great information I got about my kids but get to the point of this post.  Surprises…they are gone....

Here is what I learned (relearned) tonight:

The bible has two parts- Old and New Testaments          Old Testament has 39 books, written by 28 different authors, spans 2000 years, and it tells the story of creation and the story of the Jewish people. The books can be categorized into 3 parts: historical - first 17 books, 17 historical, 5 poetical, 17 prophetical.          New Testament has 27 books, written by 9 authors, spans less that 100 years, they tell the story of Jesus's birth, ministry, crucifixion and the ministry after death.  The books can be categorized into 3 parts: 5 historical, 13 Pauline Epistles, 9 General Epistles.  The Garden of Eden location is impossible to pinpoint but was at the convergence of 4 rivers, 2 being the Tigris and Euphrates. Mesopotamia means in the middle of rivers.  The entire land of the Old Testament is approximately the same size as the state of Texas.  Traveling from the Persian Gulf to Israel would be like ...

I should make a record

I guess I should start this post with an explanation of the title.  My use of "record" does not mean sit down and write some information in order to preserve for evidence, documentation or law.  I am not using it in the sense of breaking someone's "record" - though as you will tell from the rest of this post I might be able to break someone's record with the number of times I write the word "record" in one blog.  I use "record" as in the act of recording sound onto a record album.  Hmm, this is a bit harder than I orginally thought through.  Yeah, right like I think these post through.  A record album (for all you youngsters out there) is a grooved disk that plays on a phonograph or an optial disk for recording sound {thank you Dictionary App}.  What? No I won't go into more detail or describe a phonograph. Just liken it to a Compact Disk.  Huh? A CD. What! You don't know what that is.  Ok bare with me while I give you a picture s...

Week one down

One week into the year and well I can say that I've learned a lot.  Here's my list, though I am sure there is much more. 1. Getting up daily with God's word feels great. 2. Kids want to go back to school, but they don't want to get back to doing homework.  3. I am still to lazy to get up in the morning to exercise daily. 4. The new year does not make you a new you.  You will still make the same mistakes you made last year unless you make a conscience effort to change. 5. Change is still constant. 6. You have to give yourself enough time in the morning to get yourself ready before you try to get the kids ready.  7. I need to give more of myself to my kids. 8. My cat is in love with me. 9. Some people will never change no matter how much you love them. 10. I don't really know what I want in life, except peace, faith and health in my house.  This week also marks the two month mark of my ACL reconstruction surgery.  I am walking a lot ...