I'm sensitive, really I am

Over the last few months I have been trying not to eat food with gluten in them, as I have almost totally pin pointed it to the reason for the occasional rash on my arms and face. Many of you may be thinking "what the heck is gluten?" I know because my family asked the same thing.  In simplest terms "gluten is a mixture of proteins in wheat, rye and barley."

As a newbie to this diet I decided to get some books on the subject (well that and Borders is going out of business and their books are 50-70% off). I started right into reading "Living Gluten-free for Dummies" (no i do not consider myself a dummy but hey this book is entertaining me).  Wow what an eye opener. Though I am pretty sure I do not have Celiac disease, I am very confident that I am gluten sensitive.

I once told someone that gluten makes me fat and being fat makes me sensitive. BUT me eyes are open much more now.  Not only does it affect my weight it also (per the list of normal symptoms) gives me stomach aches, bloating, headaches, short memory loss, difficulty concentrating. Um, ah shoot where was I? Oh yeah: fatigue, hair loss, tingling in my arms and legs, skin leison, short stature (I knew I should have been tall) and joint pain.  So out of the 16 most common symptoms they list in the book I have 11! Oh but wait it does not stop there, if you never know you have this, it can also lead to long-term complications like: osteoporosis, infertility, miscarriages (sad), cancer and the onset of other autoimmune disease. Ah HELLO! Does anyone else see a good reason (or a gazillion) for me to stop now?

Wow that is more than you ever wanted to know about gluten sensitivity and celiac disease right? Well if you've gotten this far I thank you. I will also take this time to say it will be a tough road up ahead but I'm ready for it.   That is probably enough for today so I will leave you with this: wheat contributes to leaky gut. There now I have lived up to the title of this blog.

Remember if it is unladylike, fattening or fun...it must be good for you!

Ta ta for now.


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