
Showing posts from 2013

Goodbye 2013

As we get closer to saying goodbye to 2013 I'd like to take some time to reflect on all the changes there have been this year.  Not in a way to brag, or to get your pity but to praise God for the good and the bad and every breath I take. After coming off of very hard and tiring 2012, I was hoping for good times.  When I say good times I mean traveling, hanging out, running races, dating and all the stuff single, gainfully employed people do.  Funny thing is as the quote goes "Life is what happens while your busy making other plans."   2013 brought me a couple of the good times I wanted BUT in very different ways.   Traveling: Yes, I got to travel, however after my second trip the travel was never alone.  Heck from that trip on I was never alone again.  I went to visit my sister's kids for a long weekend and my life was changed forever (I hope). I returned to California with my 5 yr old niece as my own.  She came to live with me and grow up here ar...

New year = new outlook on life

After reading a article from, I have decided to embrace that perfection doesn't matter.  Here is how I plan to live my life from here on out.  It only took 10+ months of motherhood to figure this out.    I will embrace the fact that I'm not perfect. I will embrace that fact that I can be cranky, and I can lose my patience, and yes -- I can even move the clock ahead an hour just so my kid will go to bed early and give you some peace and quiet.  But more importantly I will embrace that fact that my child doesn't need my to be perfect. What she really needs  are reasonable limits, lots of hugs and kisses, and a happy mommy. I will get down on the floor and play with my child every day. I will put aside my "technology" my plans and my non desire to plan make believe AND I will get involved.  Because playing is my  child's way of expressing herself, and my being there boosts her emotional intelligence. Even if I have to fake it and follow h...


I promise to you all is at least one post a week in 2014.  

He just knows

Well I have managed to come to grips with two different situations this week that I really thought I wanted to end differently. Turns out that is was all in my head and I just couldn't let it go. Well in a very unusual and not to smart way I can now put those two things behind me and move on. Hmmm I guess God does know what he is doing. 

Seriously??? Who's stupid ass idea was that?

Hmm well see that is a really hard question to answer, ok honestly it isn't really but in order to save face I will just say that it may or may not have been my idea.  What might have or might not have been your idea you are probably asking.  Well that would be to watch "A little bit of Heaven" tonight on Netflix.   (Movie synopsis below)  Let me just stop there and say unlike many many people and critics, I actually liked the movie.  Yes there are some people that are all pissed off about the portrayal of a terminally ill cancer patient and yada yada yada but HELLO IT IS HOLLYWOOD! They never said it was based on a true story.  But to those people on the contrary there are people that keep their hair after treatment, that laugh and love their way through cancer and my Grandma was one of those people.      So, no the stupid idea is NOT due to the movie being a waist of my time like the Nicole Kidman/Kate Hudson musical "Nine" which was 2 hour...

iOS 7 ccchanges

Ok did you update you system? Are you a bit lost in how to do certain things? I have figured out a few tips.  1. To delete text message or emails you now swipe right to left rather than left to right.  2. To turn off your apps you still double click the home button but now instead of holding down the app to get the close button you just swipe the app page upwards.  3. Double clicking the home button now opens a multi task screen. 4. If you swipe up from the bottom of the screen you open a control panel.  A lot of the tasks you had to go to the settings is here now. Well that is all I know for now. Hope I helped out one or two peeps. 


Isn't that a loaded word?  Can people really forgive each other, truly?  I believe that they can.  However, there are other people in this world that don't believe they can AND/OR that they don't deserve forgiveness.   We have all made bad choices in our lives, some just affect us and some affect others as well.  However, the day comes that we can just keep yelling and blaming ourselves for our stupid mistakes or seize the day to make a new beginning.  Successful people look back at their mistake and vow never to make the same mistake twice.  They forgive themselves for making those bad decisions even if they do them over and over again.  They pick themselves up and move on.  They make amends to those they hurt and move forward not looking back.  Successful people know that the past is not the present nor the future.  They take the second chances they get in life. I recently for reconnected to someone that is extremely dear to my he...

Life and FB

As the summer comes to an end and I think that life will be a bit more manageable,  I am browsing through my FB friends pages and can see that life is EVERYTHING BUT normal or simple.  That the times ahead are so uncertain.  Some friends are pregnant and some lost kids.  Some are facing possible family loss due to illness and others have already experienced it.  S ome have lost their jobs and some have gained new ones.  Others have gotten married, divorced or separated.  It is sad that life these days are so busy and life brings so many different people come into your life that you can't possibly keep up with all the wonderful people you've met over that years.  That as wonderful as FB can be, it is still a long way away from actually "connecting" with your friend and family.  Yes we can pick up something here and there from their pages, but for me I am usually a bit late in the game because I am probably so self-absorbed that I don't make ti...

MTV...why is anyone surprised?

Today I have seen so many posts about the VMA awards and most of all about Miley Cyrus.  What I don't understand is why are people so amazed?  With all the music performer these days all trying to make themselves noticed, this was just another desperate plea for attention.   The more and more we (myself included) blog, tweet, Facebook about the "show" she put on, we just make her think what she did was great and she'll and others will do it more.  No I did not watch the awards.  I personally found it to be a pretty sad and low point for her.  If I was her mom, I'd be so embarrassed at the crotch grabbing, tongue sticking, ass grinding, erotic show she put on.  Not because I am a prude or because I don't think that there is a place for this type of show, but because she was my kid and had a nice/clean career and fell into this. Innocence, I guess, can only sell if you're a good singer.   Oh by the way this is called  Twerking...a new word...

The Way

It is very rare that I actually write about a movie as even though I like movies not many move me as much as this one.  "The Way" is an Emilion Estevez movie that stars his dad, Martin Sheen as the main character Tom.  It is about a father that goes over seas to claim the body of his estranged son that has passed away.  His some dies while starting his pilgrimage on the "Camino de Santiago" and the Father decides to do it for himself.  The movie is a moving and beautiful cinematic masterpiece IN MY MIND. I cried a lot and I was inspired. I don't want to tell you the whole movie, but it was great.  Yes could and have other people seen this movie and thought nothing of it? Yes they have, but I don't care.  This movie was real, well written and well filmed in my opinion. I would love to make this trek one day.  I would like to say that in about 12-15 years when my daughter is in college I would love to take the 20 - 30 day trek of the Camino de Santiago. ...

Vienna, Virginia here we come...

Yesterday I ran across an article on Yahoo Money that talked about the best small towns to live in America.  They based their list  not only thriving economically, but also on what we'd want in a place to raise a family: plenty of green space, good schools, and a strong sense of community.  I was obviously  drawn to this article for many reasons.  It won't come to anyone's surprise (or maybe it does) that not one of the cities in the top 15 towns is in  California.  As we get older my family continues to move further away from each other, I'm not sure if that is just a fact of life or a fact of the economy.  As I sit here out of a job I just keep thinking maybe Cali just isn't for us anymore.  Though I have one grandparent left and I can't really think about not being able to just stop by can say hi.  Where does that take me? According to the article to Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia and pretty much the Midwest to East Coast.  ...

It's my day! Pay attention to me...

Oh you are busy today, ok I get it. I'm used to it because I am a middle child. 8/12 - National Middle Child Day, surprised? Me too, unbeknownst to me there has been a national holiday for me for a while now. No one knows the origins of this great day. Most articles that I have read about this wonderful day all say the same thing..."Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day." So who, when or where did this day originate from? The world may never know. (OK I stole that from Tootie Rolls) This holiday is being talked about all over the internet today from regular bloggers like myself to MSN. Just type in National Middle Child day into your internet search engine of choice and you will come up with tons of articles...but probably more written by us middle children then others. Some research states that the middle child tends to be more introverted, quieter, perhaps a bit of a loner. But the middle child does not receive much attention and of...

Get a awesomeness

Ever go through your email and think really what who the heck sits around and writes these emails that end up in my spam mail.  Her are examples of the ones I get.   From Adrian - Let's hook up From Casey Beliveau - Hi it's Casey, wanna be man FUCKBUDDY? From Russian Singles - 1000's of Russian Singles - see Pics! From Penis Growth Sample - the pill is small in size but BIG in features I mean really! This is a very small sample of the crap I get in my email.  Not to mention the emails I get from "Madona", "Ashton Kutcher" and the like.  What I don't understand is do people really click on these emails? Do people really buy stuff from them?  As I sit here out of work, I think wow I might be in the wrong business.  Maybe I should sit around and just write inappropriate emails and slam people's email boxes.  :-) hmmm, watch out.  Lol

Missing you.

This was our last picture together.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  It was our last day in North Carolina and she was still the ammonia induced coma with no great news.  She was coming in and out and didn't even know we were there.  We visited her everyday.  We played music for her and she seemed to love it.  We showed her videos of the girls playing and singing and tears rolled down her cheeks.  As we held her hand she sometimes squeezed our hands, but the nurse said it could be involuntary.  We prayed for her and we talked to her.  The last night of our visit we stayed at the house with the kids, it was harder than ever to let them go.  We barely slept that night.   The phone rang at 8am that day and the house started going mad.  My stomach sank.  Then he called was like time stood still when I heard the words that I was not expecting to hear.  "She's awake!" We could not get dressed fast enough. ...

Day six

Today we woke up at the buttcrack of dawn to go rafting on the Colorado River.   It was hard but totally worth it. The sky was a beautiful baby blue and the sun was heating up the earth here at the Grand Canyon to about 102 on the canyon floor.  We boarded the bus at 6:10, which was 10 mins late due to the wandering Elk blocking the bus from making it through the parking lot.  Once we had finally picked up all the other people we headed out for our 2.5 hour bus ride through the Grand Canyon and the Navajo Indian Reservation.  Though the bus driver was very knowledgeable and interesting, I was really hoping to have got a bit more sleep on the bus.  The highlight of his talk was him ending a lot of his sentences with the word "period". If you are a loyal reader of one of my other blogs you will know why this is so funny. The first time he said it Alyssa just giggled and smiled. Then as he kept using the word she said MOM! did you tell him to say that? Why does he ...

Day five

As we begin to start the day we start by asking where to go and when. How to tackle the south rim.  The skies are a brilliant blue with awesome fluffy white clouds. Now come on, do you really need me to know the technical terms? No good. Just know they were pretty. It was a hot day - 92 degrees but much better than the 106 or 110 it was. It probably only took like 20 mins to start getting a lot of negative attitude from the preteen.  The little on started out good but caught the negativeness from the bro. We nipped that in the butt quickly. I guess it is expected that kids would not think this was fun. Kids of all ages and nationality are complaining. Lol there are no color boundaries for boredom.  They stuff these shuttle buses like sardines. Let me set the picture. It is 1pm and about 90 degrees out. We and everyone else are sticky from the her. Our bodies almost touching on the seats and the heat coming off of them bringing each others internal temps up a few notches. ...

Day four

Well we started our day " standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona  and such a fine sight to see" from there we headed to the Meteor Crater.  It was made over 50,000 years ago.  The site is pretty awesome too look at and the history is a great learning experience.  Alyssa really enjoyed this too.  She also spoted on the way there a  flyingdactol alien.   From the crater we head to the Grand Canyon and for about 2 of the hour drive my child was speaking a different language.  My child 2 languages now...English and absolute jibberish which is a cross between Spanish and Chinese sounding.  But the same words come out over and over again so she must be having a conversation with the voices in her head.  This drive Matthew crazy, but she loves doing it.  Most of the day was in the car, but when it wasn't we had to deal with the little one and her attitude today.  Tomorrow is a new day...she will do better. Mom (and Matthew) both saw...

Day three

We are at Today we left my uncle's house. It was so great to spend time with them. We had such a blast. They were so wonderful to see and hang out with.  Now we are on the road to another national park. Where to park? Lol no clue why no one can make a decision. After a brief discussion on that, we got ready to hike. Dear Blog, my daughter is wearing a dress and I am wearing white shorts. Lol best hiking outfits.  We are at Tonto Natural Bridge. It was very pretty but not sure the rock climbing was a great idea. At one point I was walking across a fallen tree suspended between two large boulders with a nothing else. Smart? Probably not! From here we head down the long high way to Winslow Arizonia. Yes, yes, yes...we might be standing in a corner there soon.  Just a brief note to my traveling friends Winslow has one of the worst Denny's we have ever been to. Took over 1 1/2 hours to get our food and it was only after talking to a manager did it ever come. If you are hunger ...

Day two

Today we are heading to the Kartchner Caverns. We are only 10 minutes on the road and my parents are already having a discussion on that is why we have GPS. Lol.  While at Kartchner we decided to get a locker for our stuff. Without reading the instructions before paying my mother ended up paying $2.25 for a dollar locker. Oh not to mention that the first time she closed the door with her purse in her lap.  The hour tour showed us some breath taking sites. Beautiful stalactites and stalagmite as well as natural water formations that looked like bacon. That was Alyssa's favorite part. :-) The tour ends with this massive 5 story natural formation nicked named Kubla Kahn.  After that we drove around Beson for 30 mins trying to decide what to eat for lunch. Yes I know that sounds easy yo do but we have two very picky kids and a  gluten free freak. Denny's kept coming up and I kept shooting it down. Ended up at a local Mexican restaurant.   After a filling and wonderf...

Day one

My parents said the kids were good on the trip down.  As they were traveling through San Diego, Alyssa says are we going to a Padres game?  Then as they got closer to Mexico, she starts saying. "I can't go the Mexico!" Lol. Mom said that every time the GPS said "miles" Alyssa said "why does she keep telling me to smile?"   I landed here in Tucson today about Noon.  The kids started this morning at 9am and didn't come out to get dry until like 5pm.  We were joined my my cousin and her fiancé and little Kenny.  After some great food and conversation, the crazy weather came. Tons of thunder and lightening, then heavy winds blowing everything around.  Dirt storm can't even see the house next store.  The phone even got an emergency alert from the National weather service. Now the rains are coming down.  We are all sitting around in the dark.  Instead of playing board games or cards, we are all on our iPhones or iPads.  Lol.   Sadly ...

Are you ready????

The Perkins family is heading out in vacation...this time for 9 fun filled days.  Here are the twists: this is not just mom, dad and myself...but we've added two kids and made it a CAR trip.  You all know that means there will be some awesome stories. Due to poor communication or act of God, I will be flying out to join the crew on Sunday afternoon.  What does that mean?  I sadly will miss out on one of the 6 hour road trips.  Just the kids and my parents.  Hehehe.  Oh the memories I'll be missing.   Should we take a guess on how many bathroom stops they make, how many fights there are over the movie, temper tantrums over snacks, how many times will the hear are we there yet or I'm hot.  If you are new to the blog, check back to September of 2012 - Seattle and Canada.  Stay tuned! 

Invisible fence = invisible cruelty

 As I sit here at 1:17am listening to my cat cry, I now know that is is because the security I felt of him not being able to leave through the dog meant a post size 1/4 inch deep burn and hole in his neck.  After over one year with this product I have just seen the grossest and probably painful injury to my very loved cat.  He'd been acting different lately and I thought it was just that he'd gotten fleas but NOPE!  He was living with a huge burned hole in his neck.  I failed to notice and I feel like shit.  O Woo hoo for me, in one day my 6 year old tells me she thinks I don't care for her and my cat comes to me with a hole in his neck weeping blood and shows me I don't care about him either. Oh this is great for my moral.  Both kids hurt in one day (or over that last few weeks I guess).  I can't do a whole lot about Alyssa in one day but I can sure as heck take Nacho in tomorrow.  Thank goodness for credit cards.   All I can say is yes...


Anyone joining me? Sweet and Salty nut bars!  Lol- I am so mature.

In my eyes

I am more than the outward shell.  I am more than an article about what I should look like. I am more than a reflexion in the mirror.  I am responsible to know that my self-worth is not defined by other people.  I am responsible to teach my child that self-worth comes from within.  That what you look like and what you are, are not dictated by what other people think of you are or what they do.  I am responsible for showing those that are around me that I love them for them and not for who they think they need to be.  I am responsible for respecting the difference there are in the people I know and meet.  I am responsible for me temper and attitude, but not for yours. I can't make everyone happy, because I can't make you happy, I can only provide an experience that I hope you enjoy.   Just so you know...I am me just me.  Some of you might think I am too honest.  Some might think I am too religious or faithful.  Some might think I am ...

New life

Today ended my 5 year stint with the Los Angeles Times.  In those 5 years I learned HTML, what flash files are, what click tags do, rich media versus display ads and much much more. As one of the final remaining people from the original interactive team I take with me loads of historical knowledge of what works and doesn't work, specs that only we know and a lot of helpful advice and info.   Although I will really miss the amazing team of artists that I managed, I know they will keep up the great work they do. They are so awesome at what they do and the amazed me daily, though I probably did not tell them as much as I should have.  If anyone reading this needs top notch interactive designers or website producers contact me I have 4 great people to offer. In the last 5 years I met some great people and I will miss them all. I hope to keep touch with them in email or on Facebook. What is next? What is not next....the opportunities are endless.  


Ok I understand why people look at my boobs when they are talking to me and I am wearing a low cut shirt or even a tank.  BUT why do they constantly look at my face and then my boobs throughout a conversation.  It is one thing to look around the room or the space the conversation is happening in but to keep switching from my eyes to my boobs is a totally other thing.  Let me go on the record that this happens with both sexes.  Seriously people they are not that big nor that awesome.  Are all of my shirts see through? Are they too tight? Do they all have stains? Is my face that ugly? Is there food in my teeth you can't stand looking at? Come on, let me in on the secret. Or at least pay me a compliment or buy me a drink.  The End.  Inspired by the lady at the taco place who had a 10 min conversation with me and my boobs. 

Perfect People

I understand that everyone has reasons to things they do in life.  Heck I have made plenty mistakes and some were doozies.  But I also realize that I am not perfect and nobody is.  I find is extremely sad that there are people in this world that forget how much crap they have done in life and the consequences of those actions on themselves and others.  I get the desire to get things right the second or third time around, but you also need to think out your steps a bit more. Making blanket statements, large actions can and usually do come back to bite you in the ass.  It may not be today, but resentment or mental abuse shows up in time.  I know that not everyone in this world will agree with my statement or the situation BUT I am entitled to my opinion and to state my opinion.   I will not let this or any other disagreement come between me and my family.  I love and cherish everyone one of you whether I see or talk to you daily or only a few times ...

House hunting

Ok so we are looking to move and well you know you forget that other people don't like pets in their places.  Though not all hope is lost, but i am getting a little down.  So now I am contemplating how to reduce my one small room for both of us.  Bunk beds here we come. Lol. Any recommended sites? Any one know of someone looking to rent a two bed room place to a very responsible single mom with a 6 year old and a cat? Thanks!

May Day

Four years ago today, I took a long train ride home with someone that I barely knew. I only knew that I thought he was sort of cute. That ride turned into a relationship and then a wonderful friendship. He has become one of my very best friends. He's always there for me when I need someone. He's very encouraging and helpful. He's jumped right in and became a friend to Alyssa. Though we couldn't make our relationship work, we have an awesome friendship and I am so blessed to have him in my life. Happy May 1st.


I am addicted to the Simpsons Tapped Out App. There is absolutely no reason for me to play, no point and there are probably better ways to spend my life. BUT yet I can't wait to keep going there and checking on things. LOL. All I need now is a friend equally obsessed so that I can visit your world and get money. LOL Come on people get addicted so that I am not alone. :-)

Nice bonus

Just realized that I love Easter and Halloween much more now....child = candy = happy mom (and roommates) woo hoo.

Damn I suck at this (not looking for pity, just opening my heart up)

I am not good at bedtime. I can't decipher from the need for affection due to everything, the desire not to go too sleep, or if she really miss me. I get so frustrated that she is fine while the tv is on but then all of a sudden now that the cartoons are over she is scared, misses everyone, can't sleep unless I am there. I want to cuddle her but I also don't want to encourage her to think that if she tries to cry that she get everything she wants. I have a hard time with the constant smothering hugs and kisses. I love it and I don't. It makes me feel cluster phobic and then like crap. I get so frustrated and I start to boil. Then I feel like total crap and want to just cry. I try to give her understanding and go to lay with her then she starts talking and won't stop. So then I want to get up....endless cycle. I'm failing at this and keep apologizing for not keeping a level head, then I hear a friend of mine saying take all of the love you can get from...

yep that type of day.

You know those days where you feel like just telling everyone off, quiting your job, leaving everything behind you that drives you nuts and just going home and riding your bike with your kid, cuddling on the couch watching whatever she wants to watch and shut out the rest of the world. TODAY

Motherhood: the bathroom, wine and chocolate...

We'll get to the title in a bit. Let me set the weekend picture. This weekend has been a crazy and awesome weekend for us. Not only did we have Alyssa's Brother (my nephew) still here visiting, but my sister and my other to nephews came down Friday to help celebrate Alyssa birthday. Friday night consisted of family and more family: add to the group 4 -3rd cousins for Alyssa and 2 second cousins along with everyone else. Sleep??? Not really, got home after ten and we had to be up by 8am for t-ball the next day. Saturday up at 7:45 am hoping to get a few things done before she got up. Nope she is up with me. I of course think that is a guarantee that we will be on time to the game. HAHA who am I kidding. She may wake up in the morning but she moves like a snail. T-ball was great but she had so many people watching her she really didn't pay attention to the game. She was, I think, too excited about her pending birthday party to care. Games over and now we have tons of t...

Best prayers ever!

Tonight while putting Alyssa to sleep she asked if we could pray, to her usually means talk to her mom. The prayers were so sweet and honest. "Dear Mom, I miss you a lot. Hope you sleep well. Auntie is taking great care of me and keeping me safe. I am home schooled and we will find a school for me soon.... There was more but really my heart was so warm and my eyes watery so I can't recall. So all the crabbiness, you're mean, mimicking, and tears are all worth it.

Motherhood - the good, the bad and the Oh no you didn't

Let me start by saying I'm going to bed and it is only 9pm. Today we took the day off from work and school to take a couple field trips. I even made her memorize and make videos at each stop. Go ahead quiz her. Ask her who is bigger than the boogie man? Ask her how Giraffes give birth. Ask her is San Diego is above or below Redondo Beach. Just don't ask her where we parked or what you just said 3 seconds ago. Today was a great learning day for both of us. Here are the lessons I learned today. Regardless of what the song says everyone does NOT have a water buffalo. Pack your kid food no matter where you go because just because she likes grilled cheese or pizza doesn't me she'll like it everywhere. That way you don't waste money and are not tempted to say " what a waste of money" she doesn't need to feel like the let you down. No matter what she'll always choose PINK! 5 year olds do not carry their patience in their pockets or anywh...

Laugh with me (now)

also known as I should have stayed in bed. So today I HAD to be at work on time because I had a meeting with SVP at 9:15 am and he is not fond of lateness. So of course I set my clock early and get up and get moving. I packed Alyssa's bags the night before and even made her lunch. Showered, dressed, My lunch made, breakfast made, car packed, window defrosted, my work bad packed, sleeping kid rolled into the car and away we go...7:48 only 3 minutes after I hoped to be on my way. The sky was clear and blue. Mr Sun was shinning brightly and car conversation was great: Me "You ready for another great day?" A "Yes" Me: "I can't wait to finish my day and get back home to you" A "Yes, me too hurry home. Make sure you drive today." Me: "Yes today I'm driving." A: "Great, come get be quickly." After that wonderful conversation, I open my eyes and see that there is dense fog hanging around. Cars seem to be coming...

New Special Segment: Motherhood - the good, the bad and the Oh No You Didn't!

There have been millions of book written about parenthood, becoming a parent and all that you will experience. They are helpful, informative and can be some what comforting. Advice from well-known doctors, psychologists and well parents. It's so great especially when you have 9 super easy months to read them all right??? NOT! Come on really! I may not have had months of prep or years of raising a child from egg to teen, but I've been around enough to know that there isn't a book out there that is the end all be all. So Yes, you will need to grab a few books to well "get ready". HAHA isn't that funny when people say I'm not ready for children. Honestly, they are probably right, but in reality you can't ever be "ready". Just when you think oh I am ready now...then well the babies don't come, you get more than one baby, you have a easy first trimester and the rest suck, gestational diabetes, baby issues and I can go on. BUT what ...

5 and 1

Today (and yesterday) mark the 5th month of my sister becoming "Perfect Angel" and one month of her "Perfect Angel" coming to live with me. As I look back on my life I now see the crazy wild path the God built for me to get me where I am today. If I would have gotten married to Derek or Pete, I might have already had my own children and then may not have had the room or ability to take on the caring of Alyssa and hopefully one day Haley. If I didn't suffer a miscarriage I might also not be able to care for them. If I never left advertising, I would probably be in a very demanding directors position and not have time for a family. I'd also not have gone back to school to teach preschool where I learned a lot about kids and never worked with special needs kids. I would have never even heard of a g-tube, how to use one, or how to help a child move from g-tube eating to mouth eating. If I stayed in teaching I would not be where I am now financially and pro...


A miracle and a love. Haley came into this world in chaos. Stacy was waiting at the hospital to be admitted but they said she was not progressing quick enough. Stacy knew there was something wrong but no one believed her. Then it happened. Her placenta ruptured and she started to bleed out. Haley ended up landing in her stomach cavity and was without oxygen for a while. Once she was delivered, both she and Stacy flat-lined. The doctors revived both and then rushed Haley to Duke Children Hospital. At this time the doctors told her father that she would most likely not survive the flight and he should say good bye. 4 1/2 years later this miracle baby is still fighting every day but you'd never know it. She is the happiest, silliest and smartest 4 1/2 year old around. Yes, I am bias. Year 1-2 Hospital over and over again for long periods of time. Can't swallow on her own because her throat not fully matured so she got a g-tube. Normal illnesses put her in the hosp...