
Showing posts from September, 2011

Nacho's heartbreak

So as you all remember Nacho got out a few days ago.  For those 9 hours of "freedom" he managed to hookup with a hot little white and gray number.   She is a cutie, I'll give him that.  I guess I have figured out why he tried to attack me when I was trying to bring him home. Now every single night and well all day as well I get to hear Nacho whine.  When I say I whine I mean whine.  He cries all day by the back door, just under the doggie door.  Yes, we have lived her for over 2 years and he has never tried to use the door.  He has stuck his head out once with Denali, but never tried to leap out.  God willing he never will.  But with all this crying and heartbreak for that Hot white and gray number to the left, who knows what will happen. No that is not an actual pic but she looks exactly like that.  So now every night when we are heading to bed, I have to open the bathroom window so that Nacho can sit in the windowsill and sing o...


So the other day my cousin and I were on our way home from San Diego and I was telling her that when I walk down the street of downtown LA and I see the little Hispanic magazine stands I always think of Grandma and her Spanish magazines.  Natalie said "People in Espanol?"  I said no she had another one too, it was called something like hmmm I think it was MIERDA.  Natalie sat there for a few seconds and then started dying laughing.  She says " Grandma read a magazine called "shit".  For the next 20 minutes we went along the 405 freeway and we cried laughing and going on an on about crap.  How the magazine was the number one seller.  That the pictures and stories were so well written.  We went back and forth and laughed until we could not breath. Hmmm I guess you had to be there.  :-)  Hey Natalie...Mierda!!!!!!!!! Remember if it is unladylike, fattening or fun, it must be good for you! Ta ta for now

All My Children

I grew up in a divorced family. I was the only one in my friend circle to experience this.  However, I was probably also the only one that got to know her mom as well as I did.  Growing up the middle child of a divorced family might have been rough, but in reality I think it was great. My mom was dedicated to us.  She did anything and everything for us.  My older sister was too much into her friends and boy to really let it sink in and my little sister was probably too young to remember.  But, even though I played sports I also had a lot of time to hang out with my mom. Both my mom and my grandmas LOVED the ABC soaps. They would either taped them on VHS or watched them daily.  So if I was home sick from school I could spend the day lying in the couch with my Grandmas watching soaps.  If it was not me sick, my friends or cousins were with her.  My Grandma D was Grandma too all.  However, on a daily basis my mom taped All My Children, One Lif...

Blog Post

How is that for a title?  Really tells you a lot about what I am going to ramble on about doesn't?  It is very descriptive, tells a store, is inviting and really draws you in.  Right?  Aren't you totally interested in my posting now?  Aren't you ready to really relate to me?  NOT!  This is my point exactly.  So why do people still use these type of subjects on their emails. A few (LOL) years ago this thing called email came out and people found it a great way to communicate almost instantly.  Of course this is probably about the time when everyone came down with A.D.D.  Now that email has become the #1 way of communication in a company people all assume you are sitting right next to your computer and don't understand why you have not written back in 30 seconds.  However, that is not my point of this blog.  I mean you read the title.  It did not say that, did it?  So you all know I wasn't writing to talk about attent...


Somehow today Nacho got out and it was on my watch.  I guess that is better than when I am on vacation and someone else is watching him.  That would suck for them to have to tell me that over the phone.  Instead I opened the door and he was gone.  I thought it was another cat in my yard and I went to get him he ran.  I went to get a flashlight and when I got back he was on the wall between my house and my neighbors house.  When I got closer he jumped and he's been gone ever since. Usually he runs out for a second or a few minutes and Denali can usually rush him back in.  Not today, he's been gone almost 2 hours.  After searching a lot, I heard scratching in the neighbors yard.  I got a ladder and flashlight and found him.  I got my roommate to help me and I jumped the wall between our house.  As I walked near him he growled, which is normal when I catch him outside.  BUT then when I reached for him he attacked me.  He ke...


So let me set the scene for you.  Last night around 2:45am, while I am sound asleep my cell phone receives a text message.  Yes, I know I can turn my phone off at night, but what if there is an emergency and someone needs to get a hold of me.  Ok so back to my story.  I roll over and check my phone to read "Baby girl at 2:10am! 7 lbs 10 oz. 19 inches.  All well." I text back immediately (in force of habit) "Yipee Congratulations".  Then I lay there and think WHO IN THE HECK WAS THAT?  I start racking my brain for all the people in my life that I know are Prego right now and who would really text me when the baby was born.  No one comes to mind.  A few thoughts, then I rule them out.  Now it is 3:00 AM and I am still awake pondering this!  I get a text back (awhile later)  "Thank you Terri.  You are up now?!" Ok crap, this person actually knows my mind is really running.  I immediately hit the Facebook app o...

Emontional detachment

It refers to an "inability to connect" with others emotionally or it is a type of "mental assertiveness" that allows people to maintain their boundaries and psychic integrity when faced with the emotional demands of another person or group of persons.  Know anyone like this?  I do not have this ability at all, not even close.  I even cry for people I don't know if they are happy, sad, having an emotional moment like childbirth or weddings, anything.  I've always wondered if these people have more anxiety then they people that can and do show their emotions.  Do you think that if you do not attach yourself emotionally life is easier or harder?  I wonder if it is lonely to be like that or if you just get used to never really connecting to people.  OR is the inability to connect with others something you can turn of and on depending on the people around you and if you want to connect with them?  Now that my friends I think is the best question....

Monday last real day of vacation (this month)

My parents got up nice and early. Gosh sometimes I miss those days when my mom would sleep in until way after 10am. Oh well up and ready for the day. Breakfast at the hotel then off to site see. First stop the Craigdarroach Castle. A historical caste built in 1820. Very pretty and well preserved. Sadly the man that commissioned the castle for his family died before it was even done.  It has also been a military hospital during WWII and a College.  They had a great view and tons of great items to show how the house might have looked when someone lived there.  We sat and waited to the bus to come for about 20 minutes. Felt like a typical Monday waiting on a train, but thank goodness was not at work.   We will head from here to Gatsby Mansion for High Tea. From what I was told not the place where the Great Gatsby novel was written, lol more trivial knowledge for my head to store. High Tea was yummy, kind of fun too. We each got to pick our own flavor tea and got our own...

Day Three and Four (aka Sat/Sun)

Saturday: Well let's just say that the morning was a bit rough, Thank you Stacia! So I stayed in bed most of the morning watching old classic movies on tv while my parents ran to like 12 stores looking for a short sleeve shirt for my dad to wear to the wedding. Oh a socks and a belt. Hmmm oh and a new outfit for my mom. :-) I guess they did not like what they packed.  On to the reason for our trip: The wedding it was awesome. Ryan looked great and Charli very beautiful. The location could not have been prettier. Right on the lake behind their house.  In true Perkins fashion we all partied like Rockstars. Some more than others ;-) We carried on until the neighbors complained and well a bit longer.  I am go glad I could be there representing the family.  It was so great to see Ryan's mom again and to meet his sister. She is super adorable and I am proud to call her cousin. A great time was had by all.  Can't wait to do it again in Novemeber for the 11/11/11 party....

Seattle - Day Two

We woke up to and had a "Healthy Start" breakfast.  If you can call pastries, muffins and bread breakfast.  They did not even have scrabbled eggs they were hard boiled. Glad I brought my own oatmeal with me.  After breakfast we headed to downtown Seattle, to walk around Pikes Place Market.  So do you remember yesterday's direction challanges?  Yes it happended again, but this was more becuase the streets are one way and we could not find the ones the went where we wanted them to.  Finally we find one the gets us to where we want to go and we park.  I go over to the parking ticket machine punch in our space number and go to purchase a 4 hour ticket for $12.  I slip in a $20 bill and after it goes in I see the BIG YELLOW LETTERS that this machine does not give change!  REALLY!  ugg there goes $8 bucks.   Pikes Place is really cool.  I really liked the area.  Lots of cool stores and even a gluten free bakery and home made GF...

Seattle 9/8 - Day one

Today I left LA for a vacation in Seattle and Lacy Washington and then Victoria Canada.  I have decided to blog daily about the stuff the happens.  You may or man not think it is funny or even interesting but hey, the url for this blog is not called entertain you...middle child rambling. Let the rambling begin. Today started of so nicely.  I woke up late around 9am, it was so nice to sleep in.  After a brief shower I went about cleaning the kitchen and putting the finish touches on my suitcase.  With everything done I just sat on the couch and relaxed waiting for my uncle to pick me up.  Nacho decided to lay on me and not let me go, but to his dismay I was going no matter what.  About 11:20am (10 mins before my uncle was supposed to show up I realized that I had text him the wrong address.  As I retext him and sat and waited.  About 10 mins later the doorbell rang.  Two of the three dogs at the house today go crazy and Nacho runs away....

It is ok?

Today I will ramble about all the things I wonder if it is ok to do. IS IT OK TO... tell someone they sounds like a cow when they chew? give them the over the shoulder look when they are doing it to signify you are annoying me? walk up to someone and put their tag that is sticking our back in their shirt or do you have to ask? tell someone they look ridiculous in the outfit they are wearing or to ask them if they can't afford a mirror? tell some to just walk away from you because you can't stand the look of their face? pretend you are listening to someone, when the only thing you hear is the sound of Charlie Brown's teacher? pretend you like someone, when all you can think about is punching them in the face? you are ok, when you really just want to scream? blog when you are having a bad day? be a Christian and still have these unpleasant thoughts?  wonder what life would be like if.....fill in the blank never happened or happened? wish you did not bring last ...


Forgiveness, I think forgiveness is a funny thing.  As Christians we are taught to forgive and forget. That God has forgives us for our sins when we ask for it.  However, what if someone never asks you to forgive them or what if you can forgive but not forget?  Or what if you can place the incident in the past, but you still hold onto the pain it caused?  We all know that we can't go back into the past and change things nor should we really want to.  Ideally, we should learn from our past mistakes, be it our mistake or someone else's that causes the pain.  I believe they have to go together, forgiveness and forgetting. At times I feel like I do forgive and forget very easily.  I feel like that I can usually find something to learn in whatever the issue was.  It may not be immediate forgiveness but it does happen.  It is harder, but I admit that forgetting about what happened it harder.  I used to say I forgive the person, but I won't f...


Working in downtown LA has its advantages and disadvantages.  I won't go into the disadvanatage because really don't we have enough negativity in our lives?  So the advantages are as follows: I can walk around at lunch time and go shopping.  I frequently go to Fallas Paredes (or as my work friends call it  YOUR STORE) for clothes or gifts. I can also head over to the metro and take it to Macy's Shopping center and spend more money. I am able to walk just down the street for some good eats, especially my new favorite place Mac & Cheeza they have YUMMY gluten free mac & cheese. There are lots of sites to see and things to do on my lunch break, but my favorite thing is that there are so many options for fresh fruit and vegetables. Grand Central Market is a few blocks away and not only can I get fresh fruit and vegetables but they are CHEAP. If you are having a party on the weekend, going here for fresh ingredients is such a money saver. However, you need ...

Fricken Awesome

First let me just say, Where are you all? No one is following this blog yet? How sad. LOL Ok what you say is fricken awesome? My stupid roll-out pantry. So as you might have guessed from earlier posts I have adopted a Gluten Free diet. After reading all I have and comparing it to myself there was not doubt I really needed to live Gluten Free. So last night when I got home, I was not very tired so I went through my pantry before I sat down to watch a movie - see "The Beaver" post from yesterday. While going through it I marked proudly all the gluten free things I had and sadly put aside the "glutenous" items. Oh the horror say it ain't so! Bye bye Wasabi Dorrito chips that were lovingly given to me from my brother-in-law. Bye bye mole, soy sauce, a couple Pampered chef sauces, panko crumbs and so much more. Breathe Terri, breathe. Ok,  I don't really feel that bad even though it is a lot of food to GIVE away not throw away. I bet my parent and th...