
Somehow today Nacho got out and it was on my watch.  I guess that is better than when I am on vacation and someone else is watching him.  That would suck for them to have to tell me that over the phone.  Instead I opened the door and he was gone.  I thought it was another cat in my yard and I went to get him he ran.  I went to get a flashlight and when I got back he was on the wall between my house and my neighbors house.  When I got closer he jumped and he's been gone ever since.

Usually he runs out for a second or a few minutes and Denali can usually rush him back in.  Not today, he's been gone almost 2 hours.  After searching a lot, I heard scratching in the neighbors yard.  I got a ladder and flashlight and found him.  I got my roommate to help me and I jumped the wall between our house.  As I walked near him he growled, which is normal when I catch him outside.  BUT then when I reached for him he attacked me.  He kept screeching like when two cats fight and slashing at me.  He was attacking me like an enemy.   I can't just leave him there can I?  He's my baby.  I guess I have no choice.

This is so hard.  How can I just let him go?  He's never spent a whole night outside.  He's an only indoor cat.  I'm sure he will be ok, but my heart is still breaking.  I can't sleep.  He's not her for our routine.  Yes, I am sure there will be people reading this that think I am stupid for being so upset.  But people get attached to there pets and they become like family.  I don't have any kids, Nacho is that for me.

Nacho always loved to cuddle.  He would "knead" me for hours on end.  If he could be on my lap he would be.  Right now he'd be sitting on the computer trying to get my attention or on my legs waiting for me to turn the light off and go to bed.  Now what?  Do I really just roll over and go to sleep while he is out there alone?  I doubt I can.  I will probably stay wake all night and be there to let him back in...if he comes home.  This really sucks. 

Don't tell Nacho, but if he does come home he will be wearing a collar with a BELL on it and I don't care how much he hates it. 


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