Blog Post

How is that for a title?  Really tells you a lot about what I am going to ramble on about doesn't?  It is very descriptive, tells a store, is inviting and really draws you in.  Right?  Aren't you totally interested in my posting now?  Aren't you ready to really relate to me?  NOT!  This is my point exactly.  So why do people still use these type of subjects on their emails.

A few (LOL) years ago this thing called email came out and people found it a great way to communicate almost instantly.  Of course this is probably about the time when everyone came down with A.D.D.  Now that email has become the #1 way of communication in a company people all assume you are sitting right next to your computer and don't understand why you have not written back in 30 seconds.  However, that is not my point of this blog.  I mean you read the title.  It did not say that, did it?  So you all know I wasn't writing to talk about attention span.

So my point, and yes it ALWAYS takes me this long to get to my point.  Ask anyone.  Are you still there?  Good.  So on to the real subject...which is exactly that the subject.  How come there are a gazillion people in the business world that still do not understand that other people are busy and that the subject line of their email is the most important piece of information you can give another person.  It helps them know what you will be talking about. If it is urgent.  If the email will need action.  There are so many ways you can get your whole email point across.

example of email subject that kill me:
  • Creative brief
  • Quick question
  • Fw:Fw:Fw:need your help
  • Re:
Seriously, this is about as lazy as waiting for the elevator and then getting on and pressing the 2nd floor button on.  Oh gosh now that is a total other subject, don't get me started on that.  It's not that hard to take two second to type a well thought out and descriptive subject line.  Or is that you don't get paid to take time to think.  Oh today I heard the greatest thing. This guy was asking a colleague for help with something and when he told the guy that there was a new procedure for that rolled out a few months ago.  He said (rudely) Why hasn't anyone told us this?  My colleague, said they did there was a conference call about this months ago. The guy's witty response We are sales people they don't pay us to be on calls.  BRILLIANT!  Nothing like taking pride in doing your job correctly or well. Off the point again, well I didn't call it middle child rambling for nothing.

Ok I have to stop trying to make my point, they don't pay me to do that.  HAHAHA

Remember if it is unladylike, fattening or fun, it must be good for you!

Ta ta for now


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