Day Three and Four (aka Sat/Sun)

Saturday: Well let's just say that the morning was a bit rough, Thank you Stacia! So I stayed in bed most of the morning watching old classic movies on tv while my parents ran to like 12 stores looking for a short sleeve shirt for my dad to wear to the wedding. Oh a socks and a belt. Hmmm oh and a new outfit for my mom. :-) I guess they did not like what they packed.  On to the reason for our trip: The wedding it was awesome. Ryan looked great and Charli very beautiful. The location could not have been prettier. Right on the lake behind their house.  In true Perkins fashion we all partied like Rockstars. Some more than others ;-) We carried on until the neighbors complained and well a bit longer.  I am go glad I could be there representing the family.  It was so great to see Ryan's mom again and to meet his sister. She is super adorable and I am proud to call her cousin. A great time was had by all.  Can't wait to do it again in Novemeber for the 11/11/11 party...hope all of my family is able to make it.

Sunday: All I will say is from 6am - about noon that day sucked, not even sure if sucked works. However, I wiped away the morning with the Buchart Gardens, they were amazing. There are so many beautiful flower. So many different colors and mixtures.  Every turn was prettier than the one before. Just amazing that one person could think up those massive floral beds. My favorite was the sunken garden, but I hear most people say that.  I got some great pictures, especially the ones I took of my Dad taking pictures. Every time I turned around he was either filming or taking pictutres like a mile behind us. Later at lunch he said the benefits of traveling with older people is that they take things slow and take it all in. I mentioned it is also nice to travel with someone who likes to eat as often as I do.  :-) After the Gardens we headed for the hotel to check in and get ready for dinner. We walked over to the Spaghetti Factory, yummy pasta (GF of course). We walked around downtown for a bit and tooking pictures.  We went through the Empress hotel and then out in front of parliament.  They have white "Christmas like" lights all over it. Dad said it looks like It's a small world and he keeps waiting for the clock to strike 10 and the soldiers with the drums will pop out.

Remember if it is unladylike, fattening or fun, it must be good for you!

Ta ta for now


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