Seattle - Day Two

We woke up to and had a "Healthy Start" breakfast.  If you can call pastries, muffins and bread breakfast.  They did not even have scrabbled eggs they were hard boiled. Glad I brought my own oatmeal with me.  After breakfast we headed to downtown Seattle, to walk around Pikes Place Market.  So do you remember yesterday's direction challanges?  Yes it happended again, but this was more becuase the streets are one way and we could not find the ones the went where we wanted them to.  Finally we find one the gets us to where we want to go and we park.  I go over to the parking ticket machine punch in our space number and go to purchase a 4 hour ticket for $12.  I slip in a $20 bill and after it goes in I see the BIG YELLOW LETTERS that this machine does not give change!  REALLY!  ugg there goes $8 bucks.  

Pikes Place is really cool.  I really liked the area.  Lots of cool stores and even a gluten free bakery and home made GF pasta.  Yummy.  The seattle CVB book says that there are things you have to see at Pikes. I saw them all, but my favorite is Rachel the big brass pig.  I really think this area is so beautiful.  I could live here, but everyone keeps telling me to come back when it is raining.  LOL So I guess I'll have to come back again.  I never realized how many people I know from do many different times of my life that live here.

From Pikes place we went to see the Space Needle and the over sized sculptures.  They are really cool.  Oh forgot to mention the GIANT peaches my mom bought.  They were a pound eat, but were super tasty.  Our hotel is nice, there is a sports bar in front of it and a casino open until 5am on the right of the hotel.  Great news, more GF pizza was in my future and another bottle of wine to share with Uncle Jeff.

After dinner we head over to see Ryan's house....let me just say WOW!  I may need to move in with them.  The house is right on a lake and the scene could not be prettier.  My friend Stacia picked me up from there and we went out for some drinks.  It was so great to catch up with her!  I crawled into the hotel room late and of course woke up my parents.  They love it when I do that.  :-)

Remember if it is unladylike, fattening or fun, it must be good for you!

Ta ta for now


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