So let me set the scene for you.  Last night around 2:45am, while I am sound asleep my cell phone receives a text message.  Yes, I know I can turn my phone off at night, but what if there is an emergency and someone needs to get a hold of me.  Ok so back to my story.  I roll over and check my phone to read "Baby girl at 2:10am! 7 lbs 10 oz. 19 inches.  All well." I text back immediately (in force of habit) "Yipee Congratulations".  Then I lay there and think WHO IN THE HECK WAS THAT?  I start racking my brain for all the people in my life that I know are Prego right now and who would really text me when the baby was born.  No one comes to mind.  A few thoughts, then I rule them out.  Now it is 3:00 AM and I am still awake pondering this! 

I get a text back (awhile later)  "Thank you Terri.  You are up now?!" Ok crap, this person actually knows my mind is really running.  I immediately hit the Facebook app on my phone, because seriously if this is someone I know they have to be on Facebook and should have updated their status by now right? Nada, no updates and I still have no idea who this is.  So I text back "I am now.  LOL I am trying to stretch my totally asleep brain to figure out who this is. :-) " 

Then I wait and sort of fall asleep when BANG! 5:13 am I get back this "XXXXXXXXX here.  Long time no talk!  I sent out a sleep text in mass.  Hope you are well."  At this point I blow a gasket.  REALLY!!!! The message is from some guy I dated very briefly years ago (5+).  SERIOUSLY!  Dude you are married, and now have 2 children, don't you think it is time to erase your x's from your phone.  Especially the ones you have not talked to since then.

So many things are wrong with this.  1. We dated a long time ago.  2. YOU ARE MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS! 3. Like I really care, ok I am happy for him but did not need to find out at 2:45 am!

So the question is when do you remove those x's?  I say keep them as long as you want if you are still really, truly friends (not many are), but when you get married ALL of the others need to be deleted.  Dear XXXXXXX please press DELETE CONTACT for me.


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